Updated designs, new shirts
Continuing along the path of learning and creating things I like, usually obscure, generally related to movies or TV. I have added a…
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Oberweis coffee ice cream is like a coffee orgasm.
@wrtrgrl77 that’s an easily accomplished task
@BillGlick User error.
@VonWelch Yup. I sold my iPhone on ebay and ordered the N1.
AT&T 3G Nexus One ordered. #android #Google
@wrtrgrl77 do it.
@queritor oh yeah. That site is a train wreck that you can’t look away from. I love it.
http://youropenbook.org/ may be the greatest site I’ve found in recent history.
@prezmcmahon tor still works as designed. it’s not meant for high performance, it’s meant to aid in privacy, however, it can be tuned some.
@ancker010 nice ride! But keep up with me? Not likely 🙂