Jan. 2, 2021
Continuing along the path of learning and creating things I like, usually obscure, generally related to movies or TV. I have added a few more shirts to the TeePublic site.
Sep. 17, 2020
Continuing with the art, I have done a bit more with procreate app. I added a handful of commercial brushes and textures, notably some from TrueGrit Texture supply and VisualTimmy. I’ve done a few things for folks and a bunch more for myself. A few of the more notable designs follow.
As the title suggests – a Point break reference. This one is one of my favorites. I plan to draw in my friends head to all 4 presidents.
Aug. 1, 2020
As 2020 marches on in its awful reality, I’ve been plugging away at work and attempting to pacify my anxieties with poorly crafted, esoteric, low-brow art work. Since most of what I draw or otherwise create are things I want to see (never mind that I hate almost all of my own work), and that I think there may be 1-3 other people in the world that may enjoy or at least get a laugh out of it, I have started putting it on RedBubble and TeeSpring.
Feb. 15, 2020
Many years ago I wrote about my love for dystopian, apocalyptic movies with the Mad Max series being right at the top of that genre. For me, nostalgia value for this series is very high. I recall watching “The Road Warrior” on my parents console TV in my basement as a kid and marveling as Lord Humongous relentlessly attempted to get his hands on the “guzzaline”. “They be refninin’! ka-chunk, ka-chunk”, as so eloquently stated by the pilot.
Feb. 10, 2020
Drawing has never been something I was great at, but nevertheless it is something that I enjoy. Trying to do a little bit every day and learn some of the fundamentals that I never paid attention to in my drawing classes has been an uphill-both-ways-in-the-snow trudge. Shading and perspective have always alluded me as has true proper symmetry (hence why this is just half a head). I think most of this just takes practice, but I am positive there is a natural talent component to real, natural, from imagination drawing that I don’t quite have, too.
Feb. 6, 2020
I have recently been particularly inspired by some folks that I find to be incredibly talented – notably Mash -up master “Butcher Billy“, prolific skate and multidisciplinary artist Tim Baron, as well as comic style artist Felipe Flores, and Super7, the company that makes all of the great stuff from our youth. I wanted to make an homage to my youth. I *loved* the “Back to the Future” movie. Fourth grade me had the jean jacket and a puffy vest.
Feb. 3, 2020
Re-learning skills from 20+ years prior is no easy task, especially when working in a medium that was not your comfort zone. For me it is a slow process, but it is enjoyable and relaxing. I spent a little more time playing around with photoshop and Procreate have yielded this Dark crystal homage and a Boba Fett & IG-88 Campaign poster.
I want to be able to make designs that can more easily be printed on things such as stickers, shirts, etc.
Jan. 30, 2020
A few quick sketches. Done in Procreate.
Jan. 29, 2020
Thor M. “Fletch” Odinson…always hitting water buffalo and pining after Gail Stanwyk.
Jan. 26, 2020
Another pastime of mine over the last few years has been making jewelry. I took some classes in the 90’s while in college to learn how to design and create jewelry, and I really enjoyed it. So, after repeatedly almost losing a coin that I had carried for many years that was very important to me, I decided to try to dust off some of the knowledge of working with precious metals and make something to prevent that.
Jan. 23, 2020
Clash of the titans was a constant on HBO when I was a kid. The mythology, the adventure, the creatures, and the stop motion animation were captivating to a kid watching them over and over on a console television in a midwestern basement in the early 1980s. While the movie may have been panned by critics, it remains a staple of my “comfort flicks”, reminding me of a fantastic, carefree youth.
Jan. 19, 2020
Revisited Flash Gordon (1980) again. I always loved the Vultan character played by Brian Blessed. Made with Procreate and Photoshop using the True grit texture supply brushes – beat Tones and Debaser Inkers, specifically. Based on a paused scene in which Voltan is commanding his hawkmen in battle. I always just liked when he says “Gordon’s Alive!?!” While stranded on Arboria.
Most of my stuff is pretty simplistic, based on something I can see, and usually turns out like a comic page or a silk screened skateboard graphic on a low quality run.
Jan. 19, 2020
It’s been a bit. Life gets in the way, but it keeps on keeping on. I’ve been busy. Busy trying to re-learn things like photography, jewelry design, illustration, and other things I let slide over the years of working too much and doing fun things too little. Well, in the last two or so years, I started diving back in. Nothing outlandish, but enjoyable nonetheless.
I have started re-learning photoshop, got a new camera body, started skating more while my body can sorta still do it, and generally just trying to not miss out on the fun stuff.
Sep. 2, 2015
The ramblings on this site never seem to have any consistency. Actually, that’s a bit of the point. And to that point, I am going to journal and present something that I have wanted to do for as long as it has been doable. [LASIK](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LASIK). Laser eye correction, to be more specific. I’ve wanted to *not* wear glasses or contacts since the day I got them in the 9th grade.From back in the days of PRK to the original LASIK and now the iLASIK, I’ve always wanted to do it and either not had the means or the guts to make it happen.
Dec. 10, 2014
I am and always have been a huge Star Wars fan. I am old enough to remember ESB and lucky enough to have seen ROTJ in the theater. However, I, like many die hard fans, was completely turned off by EP 1, 2 and 3. So much so that I have erased them from my memory and consider them to never have existed. That is why I wasn’t terribly excited when I heard that there was a new one being released (and being directed by J.
Sep. 27, 2014
Perhaps I’ll be coming off as a “walked to school uphill both ways in 10 feet of snow” old guy, but when I was growing up in the late 70’s and early 80’s it seems like we fixed more “things”. If your refrigerator had a problem, you called a repair guy. If your TV went on the fritz, you called a repair guy. If your clothes dryer broke, you had someone come to fix it.
Jun. 5, 2014
I’m a bit of a coffee nut. I love good, high quality coffee. I’ve written about it many”), many, many, many times. In fact, I have a hard time getting going before coffee in the mornings, having been a coffee drinker since I was ~17 (I have no clue how my teeth aren’t stained; it baffles the dentist). I don’t drink soda, just coffee, water and beer. So, when a kickstarter for the Hey Joe brewing coffee mug was brought to my attention, I thought “wow, why has no one done this before?
Mar. 30, 2014
I’m a sucker for my old toys. I never throw anything away and I still have a huge amount of my toys from the late 70’s through the 80’s. That is what makes this find so interesting. I had a few of these “Adventure People” manufactured by Fisher Price, and I played with them a lot, but I had all but forgotten about them until I pulled this one, the “opticon”, out of a box my oldest son and I were looking through.
Mar. 21, 2014
I recently had a weird problem with my plex media server in that it would crash upon trying to scan my library. After a great deal of debugging, I finally found what the problem was (a file that was named in such a way that it caused the scanner to crash). In order to debug this problem, though, I came across some great under-the-hood tools within plex (which is all python, very cool).
Jan. 23, 2014
Are you old enough to remember the amazing IBM model M keyboards? I am. And I loved mine. I had several of them as did my roommate from that time.
I remember in the mid 1990s working for a consulting firm in central IL, and during that employment one of the tasks put to us was to install a network with new PCs. Since this was a large company we were doing this for, they wanted to write off all of their items being replaced (or so I was told), so we threw the old stuff into a gigantic dumpster.
Jan. 18, 2014
If you’re not familiar with Plex, you should be. It’s one of the most flexible, well supported, useful pieces of entertainment software ever written. Oh, and it’s open source. That’s right, it’s free. And it’s cross platform. And it will run on just about any device. It’s quite amazing, actually. Plex also supports a myriad of plugins and features such as Channels, DLNA and cloud sync as well as the notion of clipping existing videos such as youtube content for display on your television or other devices.
Dec. 27, 2013
One of the gifts I received from my wife this year for the holidays was a Contigo Autoseal Stainless Steel Vacuum Insulated Tumbler, 16 Oz. she knows just how much coffee I consume and shares my love of good, artesian and small roaster coffees. I was excited when I popped this out of the stocking, but I honestly wasn’t prepared for just how awesome this mug really is. I generally don’t like to use plastic for travel mugs so I have an assortment of stainless steel and ceramic travel mugs.
Dec. 21, 2013
I’ve written in the past about my love/hate relationship with messenger bags. Well, I decided to revisit….and I must say, I’ve changed my tune. I believe that the problem I had was the fact that I wasn’t getting the right messenger bags. I did a little reading and found that there are messenger bags and there are professional class courier bags.
After reading and reading and reading and reading, I finally had it narrowed down to two bags.
Oct. 1, 2013
Roughly a month ago I gave up Facebook. Let me clarify: I did not delete my account. I deactivated it. The difference is important to help understand my actions and for anyone that is considering taking a break from FB but may not want to delete the Facebook world entirely (or “commit facebook suicide” as others have called it). the difference is explained in decent detail here.
Flash back to early 2005.
Aug. 24, 2013
While at my parents last weekend, my oldest son together with my youngest brother both pointed out that they’d found one of my most prized possessions, both as a 6 year old and even today at 38 years old.
A Star Wars action figure that I had thought was lost to the sands of time, used as a dog chew or generally played with and abused by a 6-7 year old in the early 1980’s then tossed into the abyss of garage sale and second hand toys….
Jul. 7, 2013
I am a big fan of movies. I had an enormous VHS collection, then lasterdisks, now DVDs and Blu-Rays. I worked in a video store back in the early 1990s. I minored in film in college. For a period of time during college I saw literally every movie that was released in the theater, even if I had no desire to see it. I wanted to appreciate any artistic value it may have.
Jun. 1, 2013
I’ve done a fair amount of traveling in my life, specifically in the last 11 or so years. During those years, I have been all over the world, both personally and professionally, and I learned that checking bags is inconvenient. I stopped doing it. I will never check a bag if I’m traveling for less than 7 days. I have always taken a backpack as my personal item / overflow bag.
Apr. 20, 2013
Yes, that is me in a ridiculous beret. No, I don’t actually walk around in a beret, it’s just for “artistic shock value”. But, just like most people, I have had a “social media ” presence for a long time. However, unlike many, I have had an “online presence” that predates stereotypical social media by a very long period of time. I have a fine art background. I’ve always enjoyed creating things, drawing, photography, writing, video production, basically anything that lends itself to creativity.
Apr. 7, 2013
A constant figure in our lives for the last 15+ years, Chloe was our faithful companion. I recall taking her to work with me in my early days in
the networking industry, going in on Saturdays to study and lab stuff up as far back as 1998. I would often drive an hour from Bloomington to Champaign to let her out and walk her while Rebecca was studying during her time in veterinary school.
Mar. 27, 2013
Based on some comments in the thread of my how to make simple mead how-to video, I threw together this 1 gallon batch of “Sotasima” or “Finnish War mead” based on this recipe. I, of course, took out the refined sugar and substituted honey. Here is the result:
I don’t think I’d make it again, it’s very tart regardless of the fact that it’s been bulk aging for a year and that I used a sweet yeast.
Mar. 17, 2013
I’m a huge fan of post-apocalyptic movies. In fact, next to humorous horror / gore movies (that’ll be my next list), I think they’re my favorite. This is a subject that my longtime friend and fellow movie enthusiast (as well as ex-video store co-worker) Sean Holland and I have discussed at length. In fact, this is eventually to the be subject of our first podcast. So as not to spoil the content of said podcast, I’m just going to give a list with minimal detail as opposed to a complex description of my reasoning.
Jan. 4, 2013
On a lighter note, someone got this toy for my oldest son for his 4th birthday. I laughed so hard a lost my breath when I head the sound.
Jan. 2, 2013
I’ve been a pretty active person for a long as I can remember. I try to stay physically fit and have done a lot of competing in my life. Triathlons, 5k, 10k, century bike rides, submission grappling tournaments, boxing…..lets just say I like to get out and push myself. I’ve trained with several guys that fought in the UFC….granted, they kicked my rear….but that doesn’t change the ffeact that I worked with them over the course of the last 10 years of my training.
Dec. 18, 2012
–I feel that this post is worthy of a cross post from coldlocals.com since it is a very important topic for me.
This time of year always reminds me of a time in my life that was a pivotal, life changing period for me. In 1988, I was transitioning out of BMX and BMX Freestyle and was looking for something individual, something I could do that didn’t require a team or a group but was something I could do myself, as an individual.
Dec. 8, 2012
I watched this video over and over and over and over until I wore out the VHS tape. These guys were wizards on a board.
I think Ocean is like a professor or something now.
Fantastic video. It makes me very nostalgic of the past.
Dec. 8, 2012
The other night the boys and I were out and about in Urbana, IL. While we were roving around, we stopped by the Art Coop. I like to get my art supplies from a local source if possible. While we were there, I happened upon a shelf of very odd “action figures”. I wanted to buy them all but settled for pictures of the most strange.
I really enjoyed the “Lunch Lady” one for some reason.
Dec. 8, 2012
He was on;y supposed to live a year. 13 years later, we lost him and discovered how strong of a presence he actually was. The only cat to steal a cheese stick right from my hand and eat it. You will be missed, good sir. Very much. [](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-p1oQ1NmYF8I/TxO4G47OBsI/AAAAAAAA45U/DS6WvSkoBt0/s1600/IMG_1886.JPG)
Oct. 27, 2012
We didn’t get to go last year due to my son Zach being born….this year we were determined to makeit up for the staghorn cask tapping. Well, we were successful. It seemed a bit more low key this year, but the food was amazing and the beers were…..better than can be described. The staghorn cask was wow-factor good.
Here is a little video of the cask tapping I stitched together.
Jul. 10, 2012
96FD6F55-01FA-42D0-B3E8-8AC04E1A089E, a photo by buraglio on Flickr.I spied this Subaru (woohoo!) Impreza driving down Neil St. here in Champaign the other day on the way home from work. Google street view making it to the corn field!
The tech on the inside looked pretty neat. Had they been parked I would have requested a look at it from the seemingly teenage driver (he looked to be about 18 or 19 and appeared to be extremely bored).
Jul. 10, 2012
Untitled, a photo by buraglio on Flickr.Summer time means pool. Zach enjoying his forst dip in our little kid pool at home. Luke showing him how it’s done.
Feb. 14, 2012
It’s no secret that I’m a fan of photography. I’ve been into it since I was young, doing skateboard photography and eventually ending up with an undergraduate degree in fine art photography. I was a film hold-out and didn’t move to a digital format (at least for anything other than point and shoot) until 2006.
I am also a pretty serious mac user. I can work on about any platform, but everything I own, save for a linux server in my basement and a D-Link NAS, is apple.
Feb. 4, 2012
One of the things about the internet is that it is a good place to put things that you never want to forget. Stories, pictures, music, video, anything. Once it’s on the ‘net, it’s likely there for good as there is no way to know if it can ever be completely deleted. As I thought about that, and as I near my 37th birthday, I relaized that there are a lot of things that are word-of-mouth stories about “adventures” that myself and my friends had as youngsters growing up a bit different in a rural Central Illinois town.
Dec. 10, 2011
[](http://www.flickr.com/photos/buraglio/6469511821/ "Untitled") [Untitled](http://www.flickr.com/photos/buraglio/6469511821/), a photo by [buraglio](http://www.flickr.com/photos/buraglio/) on Flickr.
Nov. 5, 2011
883AAC7B-00F4-433A-B89E-E2844BF5F6AB, a photo by buraglio on Flickr.Chilling out on a Saturday morning.
Oct. 19, 2011
Zachary Dean Buraglio arrived at 4:10PM on December 16, 2011. Everyone doing well, and Zach got to come home the very next day!
Oct. 15, 2011
I had very high hopes for iMessage. With the release of iOS 5, one of the big new features was iMessage, the ability to do Blackberry messenger style messaging on an iOS device. I had really hoped that this would be something like wifisms or the DeskSMS app for Android. At the very least I was hoping for iChat integration with iMessage.
This didn’t happen. Don’t get me wrong, iMessage is still really cool.
Oct. 1, 2011
A major TV network hit me with a nastygram telling me that my T-Shirt that I had made, and never sold or even bought for myself, was infringing on their copyright and trademark of a certain high school character played by Mark-Paul Gosselaar that carried a giant phone. I dare not even mutter the name, which was in the title of the shirt, for fear that the media giant come and take away my will to live.
Sep. 5, 2011
Some friends were nice enough to pick me up some of my favorite coffee from Seattle, Caffe Ladro.
I first had caffe ladro back at the supercomputing conference in Seattle in 2005 and I’ve loved their stuff ever since.
Jul. 18, 2011
I spent some time up in Alaska recently (Fairbanks, to be exact) and I have to say, it was pretty intersting. I taught the ipv6 workshop and participated in a few other talks atJoint Techs, Summer 2011. I didn’t have a ton of time to spend all around the last frontier, but I did get to do a bit of light hiking and exploring on my last day there (before Delta Airlines botched my return flights).
Jun. 9, 2011
IMG_3185, a photo by buraglio on Flickr.It’s official. Luke is going to have a brother!
Apr. 25, 2011
1000000090, a photo by buraglio on Flickr.This van is amazing. I always wanted a “real” van, like an A-Team or Scooby Doo van, but was never really able to make it happen. As of last week, though, we’re the owners of a 2011 Toyota Sienna. This 2011 Toyota Sienna is just downright amazing. It drives like a car but has the volume of a full sized van.
Apr. 16, 2011
Baby Buraglio 04152011 -pub, a photo by buraglio on Flickr.Everything is looking good at 12 weeks. Another Buraglio should be arriving around the end of October!
Mar. 13, 2011
Refered to me by Sean Holland, I found this video to be immensely entertaining. What is not to love about a weirdo running around shirtless playing a George Michael song on a saxophone?
Mar. 4, 2011
I got a 64Gig Ipad for xmas. I love it. I use it all of the time for work, at the gym (for watching video on the bike) at home and on the road.
It’s a great device, even though I was underwhelmed when it forst came out. After using it a bit I realized that it’s like a hybrid between my iPhone and my MacBook. A more convenient device for quick but more detailed work or entertainment.
Mar. 3, 2011
“Hoagies and grinders, hoagies and grinders…navy beans, navy beans…MEATLOAF TRAVIS”13 years after “Meatloaf Travis” was created (and pretty much worn out), I still think it’s funny. Unfortunately I think my brand of humor is really only funny to me (and maybe a small handful of others, Riegelo)Inside jokes rule. This is a terrible quality video, fwif.
Feb. 5, 2011
Originally uploaded by buraglioWe lost King Joker on 02/03/2011. Probably the coolest cat I’ve ever encountered, his laid back attitude was a distinct opposite to the other higher strung cats that share the house. It provided a nice balance that will certainly be missed and can never be replaced. Say hi to Lenny for me.
Feb. 4, 2011
Portlandia is amazing.
This show is an instant classic.
Jan. 24, 2011
This is a pretty funny sketch/ad for the thow portlandia. I may have to watch this show.
Jan. 6, 2011
I’m extremely irritated by the one last blog that I host on wordpress that I just can’t seem to get converted to any other format.
WordPress, while a very nice publishing platform, isn’t quite compliant with the XML standard in the way that they format their export files. So, what that means for anyone that has a decent sized blog that they want to move to anything other than wordpress, is that they may be out of luck.
Dec. 23, 2010
Recommended by longtime pal Sean, I got a great holiday kick out of this.
Peace on Earth/Little Drummer Boy with Will Ferrell & John C. Reilly from Will FerrellAnd for those that like it a bit more inappropriate, I give you a scene from “Tramadol Nights”
Merry xmas 2010.
Oct. 18, 2010
I saw this over at my brother’s blog, and it looks pretty amazing. I’m a really big fan of zombie and post-apocalyptic stuff and this appears to have high potential. I’ve not read thegraphic novels (although I will be obtaining it and reading it before the premiere), but if Mike says it’s good, it probably is.
AMC has been pumping out some really good stuff, lets hope this lives up to the trailer.
Oct. 18, 2010
I saw this over at my little brother’s blog, it looks pretty amazing. I’m a pretty big fan of post-apocalyptic AND Zombie stuff, this one looks like it delivers. I’m not familiar with the graphic novel, but if Mike says it’s good, it probably is. I’m going to order it and check it out before the premiere of the show. AMC has been really pumping out some good stuff lately, lets hope this lives up to its trailer.
Oct. 13, 2010
That is the million dollar question on many phone geeks minds. The iPhone is really a love it or hate it kind of device, much like Apple stuff in general. Android, on the other hand, is still new enough that some folks are still ignoring it. Well, I wanted to know which worked better for me, and so I set out to test them both. For the purposes of this test, I’m used an HTC Nexus One running both Stock and CyanogenMod firmware (Android 2.
Sep. 27, 2010
We went up to New Glarus, WI this past weekend to celebrate Oktoberfest. It was a fun filled weekend with a lot of good beer and good friends. A bit more low key than I expected, which was all the more appealing to me. Below is some bad cell phone footage of Dan Carey (brewmaster of NewGlarus Brewing Company) tapping the wooden staghorn keg (cask?) that I shot with my phone after several mugs of Staghorn.
Sep. 23, 2010
Only 2.5 years after the original “Beer making 101” video was posted to Google Video was posted, I finally got some time to edit together a “Beer making 101, Bottling” segment. It was a bit thrown together, so the quality isn’t that great, and I had to edit out some stuff due to youtube’s 15 minute duration restriction, but you’ll get the basics.
Sep. 18, 2010
Originally uploaded by buraglioI got a new lens for my Canon XTi…..a Canon EF 50mm f/1.8. Not the most expensive piece of photo equipment, but pretty much a no brainer at $98 for what it gets you. I’ve shot some pretty darned good images with used, low to medium quality pawn shop lenses, so it seemed like a no-thought decision.
Art is all about subject and inspiration, not equipment quality and technical prowess.
Sep. 14, 2010
The video of The Wormhole Coffee Shop was sent to my by my younger brother today. This place looks to be so full of awesome; I had to watch this video twice. It’s like my childhood and my adulthood had a baby and that baby was an amazingly cool coffee shop! What is not to like about Doc Brown’s DeLorean Time Machine!?!
I’ve never been there, but as soon as I get back up the Chicago area, I’ll be making a special trip to get some coffee at this place.
Sep. 7, 2010
Originally uploaded by buraglioI recently replaced my aging (and now scratched) Ray Ban sunglasses (RB 4009) with a pair of New Ray Ban Predator Ray Ban RB4026series. The old ones had served me well (purchased in 2004; a replacement of my early 1990’s pair of the same style) but they’d recently been dropped and the lenses scratched pretty severely. So, how did I usher in the new pair? By dropping them like 4 hours after I bought them.
Sep. 6, 2010
Originally uploaded by buraglioAhhh, how serene. The sky over the cornfield outside of Wapella, IL. I managed to snap about 85 images today. Not bad. About 10 of them were actually worth looking at again =)
I’m not sure how I used to do this with film.
Sep. 5, 2010
Originally uploaded by buraglioI saw this license plate in my neighborhood and just had to snap a picture of it. How right it is.
Sep. 4, 2010
I had been wanting to see the film “Beautiful Losers” since I’d heard of it, and I finally had the opportunity to sit down and really enjoy it. This is certainly a movie worth your time if you are interested in real artists, living and working like real artists in todays world.
I originally wanted to see this because of the heavy influence from the skateboarding world (a world I spent a very good deal of my youth in) but also because I had always aspired to be an artist (and even went and got a degree in arts and technology).
Sep. 2, 2010
I’ve more or less realized that as I get older, my memory retention is getting worse. I have always had a pretty good memory, but it’s oddball things that I remember, like quotes from Ghostbusters or my friends phone numbers from grade school.
I’ve never been great at taking notes and so, to that end, I’ve decided to work on doing just that.
I have taken one of the many oddball domain names that I own, in this case coprophage.
Aug. 28, 2010
I’m a huge fan of movies and film. I have a minor in film studies from Illinois State University and did (sometimes still do) a bit of video art. I’ve embraced the technology at this point and use Netflix quite a bit and watch movies as I get time.
I have a fairly extensive DVD (and now Blue Ray) collection as well.
Here you can find the top few movies off of my Netflix queue.
Aug. 27, 2010
I’m liking the move back to blogger so far. I do miss some of the flexibility that wordpress gave me, but overall I’m willing to trade that for not running a database server anymore. Blogger is available over IPv6 using the google over any v6 resolvers, which is very cool, and the VPS I moved to at ARP networks to host DNS and basic HTTP is also fully v6 native.
Aug. 20, 2010
Outside of networking (and even within networking to a certain extent), the buzzword of the day is “The cloud”. All of your data will be in “the cloud”. Think Skynet. Cloud computing is how much of our data is handled today.
What is that, you ask?
“Cloud computing is Internet-based computing, whereby shared resources, software, and information are provided to computersand other devices on demand, like the electricity grid.
Aug. 20, 2010
Blog update via SMS message. Crazy.
Aug. 19, 2010
My Blogging has come full circle. I had originally investigated CMS/WYSIWYG type blogging years ago using blogger. After about a year I moved it to my own self hosted service using newsbruiser, then to movable type, and finally to a self hosted wordpress instance.
Well, I’m moving all of my web hosting away from my colocated server and to other locations. For my own stuff, I’ve move all of it back to blogger using a custom domain.
Aug. 15, 2010
I’d forgotten how awful it was working on some of the 3com network hardware. I can’t believe folks ever bought this stuff. # I think the superstack menu system may be worse to me than openroute and extreme cli. # Just pulled the trigger on upgrading from #pfSense 2.0 beta1 to 2.0 beta4 # Upgrade to #pfSense BETA4 successful. Adding my ghetto IPv6 hack back in. # @engineerz probably after 2.
Aug. 8, 2010
Hacker intercepts phone calls with homebuilt $1,500 IMSI catcher, claims GSM is beyond repair http://is.gd/dWhL2 # New campus exit in! Hooray!!! @CITES_Neteng, @cites_security, #juniper FTW!! Time for sleep # iPhone devteam releases browser-based 4.x jailbreak http://is.gd/dXcOd # Wedding Speech FAIL http://is.gd/e0jke # Reader2Twitter – Sync Your Google Reader Shared Items to Twitter http://is.gd/dKKgy This is a really handy tool. # Visualized: iPhone 4 jailbreak makes itself at home http://is.gd/e0umL # New iPhone Jailbreakme.
Aug. 1, 2010
RT @sullrich: WPA2 vulnerability found http://bit.ly/atrzCR –uh oh 🙁 # Android Receives a PlayStation (PSX) Emulator: PSX4Droid http://is.gd/dJT57 # Google Maps Updates to Version 4.4, Adds Dedicated Places Icon http://is.gd/dKtTp # Remove All Traces of AT&T from the Samsung Captivate http://is.gd/dKtUU # Blah, I guess I’ll do a full wipe of my iPhone in hopes that it will suck less after. #HTC repair: Where is my Nexus One!?!?? # Wow.
Jul. 25, 2010
@VonWelch yup, I just popped it in the n1 and it worked in reply to VonWelch # @engineerz. yes and yes. I love the nexus one so far but I’m curious to see the new iPhone announced this week. in reply to engineerz # @engineerz I sold my iPhone 3g and offset most of the n1 cost. in reply to engineerz # Can’t WAIT for the @AmericanPicker premiere tonight. One of the most interesting shows on TV.
Jul. 22, 2010
Several folks have complained that my daily twitter summaries are a bit too chatty. So, to satisfy the few folks that actually subscribe to the rss of this blog (that I rarely have time to update lately, thus the twitter feed), I have moved it back to a weekly summary.
There. Stop complaining.
Yeah, those pictures are just random.
Jul. 22, 2010
iPhone 3G running 4.0.1 is pretty much unbearable to use even with push disabled. # @modrzeje McBueller in reply to modrzeje # Someone call Kenny Loggins, cause I’m in the danger zone. # Powered by Twitter Tools
Jul. 21, 2010
New #htc Nexus one going in for “repair” for wifi “bug”.
Going back to old iPhone 3g is rough. Sloooooow in comparison; I’ll miss #android. # Powered by Twitter Tools
Jul. 20, 2010
Verizon’s LTE SIM card spotted flashing its 4G logo http://is.gd/dxYsz # Fictitious femme fatale fooled cybersecurity http://is.gd/dy1ak # Camera phone inventor makes a FaceTime call from racing yacht http://is.gd/dyhLr # Powered by Twitter Tools
Jul. 19, 2010
Samsung Captivate now shipping from AT&T, right on cue http://is.gd/dwPEq # Blah. Samsung captivate is $499 off contract, not $350 as originally advertised. #android # @ancker010 NA not yet. It may be a week or 2. in reply to ancker010 # @ancker010 I’m gonna do that soon as well. in reply to ancker010 # Entelligence: Five gadgets that could have and should have done better http://is.gd/dxjg3 # Powered by Twitter Tools
Jul. 18, 2010
It’s the end of the line for the Nexus One in the U.S. as Google sells off the last batch of phones http://goo.gl/mfzL # 2011 Subaru Outback gains in-car WiFi option, strange Maine birds not included http://is.gd/dvJd3 # Powered by Twitter Tools
Jul. 17, 2010
Motorola confirms that eFuse will not brick your phone http://is.gd/dv0WE # Took our first loss of the kickball season tonight. Decisively. I should have gone cycling. # Powered by Twitter Tools
Jul. 16, 2010
Analyst claims Apple has iPhone 4 antenna fix already made http://is.gd/dt9zn # Reality Check: Modding the DROID X may not lead to a bricked phone http://is.gd/dtc5q # Blah. Stuck at the gym by rain. # Netflix granted streaming rights to popular Warner Bros. television series http://is.gd/dtD6v # Powered by Twitter Tools
Jul. 15, 2010
Some Nexus One users experiencing Wi-Fi connectivity issues http://is.gd/dsuum # I’m actually seeing all of the #google #android wifi issues on my Nexus one. I LOVE this device but this issue sucks. http://bit.ly/dnfpJv # We can’t wait for @weeklyroast shipment to get here this week. We got crazy with the coffee drinking and ran out. It’s so good I need it! # I’ve been awake since 0400…time to sleep. # Powered by Twitter Tools
Jul. 14, 2010
Modified Kernel Inches Towards Nexus One FM Radio Support http://goo.gl/Y4nM # Powered by Twitter Tools
Jul. 13, 2010
Really wishing I was at @internet2 #JT2010 this summer. Too much to do, unfortunately. # Consumer Reports confirms iPhone 4 antenna problems — and so do we http://goo.gl/L70B # Industry group disputes Jobs arguments against Blu-ray http://is.gd/dpCrH # AT&T: 3G upgrades have been slowed by shortages, device mix http://is.gd/dpCrM # @pjdeckert @newglarusbeer is all amazing. in reply to pjdeckert # Powered by Twitter Tools
Jul. 12, 2010
Cyanogen squeezes Android 2.2 Froyo into G1, MyTouch 3G http://is.gd/do25Y # MMA wannabe, Jose Canseco, loses decision to 60-year-old Gary Hogan in exhibition boxing match (Video) http://is.gd/do29y # AT&T handing out free 3G MicroCells to loyal customers? http://goo.gl/PA41 # Confirmed: HTC Sync lets tethered AT&T Aria sideload apps http://is.gd/do5Ya # Google Open Spot alerts Android users to freed parking spaces http://goo.gl/UjnA # @modrzeje weak in reply to modrzeje # Powered by Twitter Tools
Jul. 11, 2010
iPhone 4 jailbroken by Geohot http://is.gd/dmLz1 # Hacker uses Nixie Tubes to make Sudoku interesting http://is.gd/dmM0W # Seriously considering the galaxy s (Samsung captivate) as my nexus one replacement. How hackable is it? Thoughts? Froyo (2.2) is a must. # @joshmeans I love it other than the wifi issue common to the nexus one. I have an upgrade I can use, deciding what to use it on. in reply to joshmeans # HTC Aria update for AT&T enables mobile hotspot, sideloaded app support (update: disappointment) http://goo.
Jul. 10, 2010
irCrM.jpg http://is.gd/dlNIR # My @RoadID arrived already! Sweet!
http://twitpic.com/23urow in reply to RoadID # Leghounds come back to win our kickball game against the psych-outs 8-7. Home run for me 🙂 # WTF @Netflix ?!!?? I can stream “party down” on Wednesday night but not tonight? Its not even available as streaming anymore. Very lame. # Powered by Twitter Tools
Jul. 9, 2010
HIGHLANDER http://is.gd/dky5O # @ancker010 I got in just over 20. I love the cycling. in reply to ancker010 # Wow, #pfsense 2.0-BETA3 is out…I’m in dire need of an upgrade. Still running 2.0-BETA1 with my ghetto IPv6 stuff in it. # Powered by Twitter Tools
Jul. 8, 2010
iPhone 4 upload throttling, iTunes scam confirmed, iPhone 4 jailbreak soon http://is.gd/diFYT # @weeklyroast iced coffee at 6:45pm. I think yes. # @chuck_hayes awesome! in reply to chuck_hayes # Watching some “Party Down” on @netflix streaming. This show is hilarious. # @modrzeje Lipitor vs. Mothra. in reply to modrzeje # @chuck_hayes Felt makes very quality stuff. in reply to chuck_hayes # Powered by Twitter Tools
Jul. 7, 2010
today is the day Marty Mcfly arrived at in the future after… http://goo.gl/Ocvx # Powered by Twitter Tools
Jul. 6, 2010
Researchers say any USB peripheral could steal your data, even a coffee-cup warmer http://goo.gl/dgGX # Powered by Twitter Tools
Jul. 5, 2010
iPhone or Android? Some developers are having it both ways http://is.gd/df1vr # iPhone 4 defenders debunk reception, ‘grip of death’ issues http://is.gd/df4gX # Inexplicable rise in iPhone dev’s App Store sales connected to iTunes account hacks? http://is.gd/dffDA # McDonald’s Sign Fail http://is.gd/dffEw # Quick 20 mile training ride then coffee, brats and beer. Good 4th of july. The 15mph headwind kinda sucked…overall good ride. # @pjdeckert she was a boring queen, although she produced Elizabeth I l, right?
Jul. 4, 2010
EyePhone reference mysteriously disappears from online clips of Futurama http://is.gd/de56A # Droid Incredible Gets Burned Alive, Still Wouldn’t Die http://goo.gl/gFvx # Powered by Twitter Tools
Jul. 3, 2010
Apple issues official word on iPhone 4 reception: it’s the bars, man http://goo.gl/RgEX # 9G5KS.jpg http://goo.gl/wCR4 # Worst. Video. Ever. http://bit.ly/bLmGWA ( via @ancker010 ) # @prezmcmahon packages in reply to prezmcmahon # Powered by Twitter Tools
Jul. 2, 2010
iPhone 3G Gets A Froyo Port Too, Blood of Android Users Boiling http://goo.gl/vCq6 # More New Futurama Tonight! http://goo.gl/nGl7 # Time to upgrade my freebsd 7.2 systems…. # Broadband internet a legal right in Finland http://goo.gl/TBCq # Nexus One Receives Yet Another OTA, FRF91 http://goo.gl/Q05e # Powered by Twitter Tools
Jul. 1, 2010
Serenity now! # Handcent SMS FTW. #android # @RadishSpirit excellent choice. in reply to RadishSpirit # @cvkline that was the bookmark I used when doing my Cisco certs back in 2000-2001. in reply to cvkline # Powered by Twitter Tools
Jun. 30, 2010
I Want the Dell Streak Simply For Its US Packaging http://goo.gl/DEC0 # Official Android 2.2 Update Begins Rolling Out in the Form of FRF85(B) http://goo.gl/hjsf # I’m actually really digging xubuntu as my mac desktop replacement. I feel dirty, though, maybe I should install PC-BSD to feel clean again. # Heading down to #blono for a meeting with isu and peoria-next WRT network transport. Its been a while; should be fun.
Jun. 28, 2010
@weeklyroast our library does as well…but no blue ray yet (I also love the streaming) in reply to weeklyroast # Hacked N900 blazes through Froyo http://goo.gl/r2ll # iPhone 4 gets preliminary ‘userland’ jailbreak, real freedom still forthcoming http://goo.gl/eJNG # Powered by Twitter Tools
Jun. 27, 2010
Checking out handcent SMS for android. So far I’m impressed. # Hulu’s premium service coming to the PlayStation 3? http://goo.gl/1Yr8 # iPhone 4 FaceTime over a MiFi connection: because we had to try http://goo.gl/4UL3 # iPhone 101: What you need to know about FaceTime http://goo.gl/Btqx # Ahhhhh Netflix, I’m back. You knew I would be. # Powered by Twitter Tools
Jun. 25, 2010
TUAW tested: iPhone 4 works with original iPhone dock http://goo.gl/rDf9 # Triple Fail http://goo.gl/L46b # All glory to the hypnotoad. # Very irritated that my android nexus one seems to randomly “disable” working wireless networks. Its always done it, 2.2 didn’t fix 🙁 # Ill be in the chamber of understanding. #futurama # Powered by Twitter Tools
Jun. 24, 2010
@trombonekenny nice. in reply to trombonekenny # Got the iPhone 4 for the wife. Its nice. Really nice. # iPhone 4 cell reception suffers when picked up? http://goo.gl/9xJ4 # Hooray for the new IEEE 802.3ba standard!!! # @mzyw gotta give the people what they want 🙂 in reply to mzyw # @prezmcmahon same here in reply to prezmcmahon # @Vap0rz on my list of to-do items: upgrade nexus one to r00t3d 2.
Jun. 23, 2010
Android OS 2.2 build FRF72 is not final, Froyo still percolating http://goo.gl/qNYk # AT&T 3G MicroCell now available in all markets http://goo.gl/NfqD # iPhone 4 starts arriving early, won’t activate yet http://goo.gl/ih34 # Powered by Twitter Tools
Jun. 22, 2010
@ancker010 I got mine in reply to ancker010 # Apple wants the FCC to keep quiet on iPhone 4 http://goo.gl/03TC # Verizon’s LTE Technical Trials Complete, User Testing Next http://goo.gl/Ma67 # @modrzeje It’s not like you’re doing anything else. in reply to modrzeje # New Spec Promises Seamless Roaming Between Wi-Fi and 3G http://goo.gl/pUMa # Poncho Win http://goo.gl/yS0c # iPhone 3G, iOS 4, and you — what’s missing (spoiler: multitasking) http://goo.
Jun. 21, 2010
@RadishSpirit mine started the same way 🙂 in reply to RadishSpirit # FCC Reveals 802.11n Coming Soon For Droid Incredible, Froyo Could Be On the Horizon http://goo.gl/IicX # Australia to pay Telstra A$11 billion for entire copper network http://goo.gl/guqD # Chris Leben: ‘Fighters are like strippers, nobody in their right mind wants to do this’ http://goo.gl/Pe6b # Froyo’s FRF72 Build Has Been Leaked, Get It Now http://goo.gl/n71o # Google releases command line tool for accessing Web services http://goo.
Jun. 20, 2010
Should I Buy the New [Insert Gadget Name Here]? [Flowchart] http://goo.gl/tmtX # Kim Jong-il Fail http://goo.gl/w0uJ # Data captured by Google Street View includes passwords and emails http://goo.gl/Yiyg # Android 2.2 build FRF72 for Nexus One finally leaks http://goo.gl/UfoL # Leghounds win game 3 last night. So far kickball season is off to a good start. # My father’s day gift rules. http://twitpic.com/1y9j2l # @kenstone agreed 🙂 in reply to kenstone # Apple randomly canceling some iPhone pre-orders?
Jun. 19, 2010
Good morning delicious @weeklyroast #coffee. Its been too long. http://twitpic.com/1xso2u # @weeklyroast “Ken’s Blend” is amazing! #coffee # Verizon’s DROID 2 spotted, photoed, critiqued http://goo.gl/7hnD # Weather reports are making tonight’s kickball game questionable. 🙁 # Powered by Twitter Tools
Jun. 18, 2010
HTC slaps phone firmware site with cease and desist letter http://goo.gl/BOXN # Dependencies http://goo.gl/GKz1 # HTC Legend With AT&T Networking Available Unlocked http://goo.gl/C1sd # Rumor: Apple considering HD radio in future devices http://goo.gl/MiDh # @prezmcmahon Both. in reply to prezmcmahon # Powered by Twitter Tools
Jun. 17, 2010
buraglio: BP Gulf-Sized Spilling Occurs In Nigeria Annually, But Nobody Cares http://goo.gl/2IpT # buraglio: buraglio: BP Gulf-Sized Spilling Occurs In Nigeria Annually, But Nobody Cares http://goo.gl/2IpT # Mmmmm jalapeno brats. http://twitpic.com/1xdmg3 # Powered by Twitter Tools
Jun. 16, 2010
buraglio: Verizon MiFi surgically implanted in iPad to create world’s first bionic tablet http://... http://bit.ly/aEsNgE # buraglio: buraglio: Verizon MiFi surgically implanted in iPad to create world’s first bionic tabl… http://bit.ly/9cWS4q # buraglio: buraglio: buraglio: Verizon MiFi surgically implanted in iPad to create world’s first b… http://bit.ly/cj0vRT # @sdlieb dunno in reply to sdlieb # @chuck_hayes from where? in reply to chuck_hayes # Had a @newglarusbeer Enigma last night. AMAZING.
Jun. 15, 2010
Back to work after almost a week off. # Droid 2 and Droid X Ads Get Teased, Droid 2 Gets Clocked to 1Ghz, X Flies On Plane http://goo.gl/5iL4 # @engineerz No idea. NAT is indeed a “Turd” in reply to engineerz # Troubles with twitterfeed causing double posting. User error on my part = http://bit.ly/dh7y39 # Yay, new Juniper SRX 5800s are clustered. http://bit.ly/9xg1kd # buraglio: Yay, new Juniper SRX 5800s are clustered.
Jun. 14, 2010
New glarus brewery is the bomb. Also, we made it to polka fest last night! # [RUMOR] Froyo Moves Closer to Release? FRF72 Update Supposedly Rolls Out http://goo.gl/xFYw # Powered by Twitter Tools
Jun. 13, 2010
@sn0weater because I could. @modrzeje in reply to sn0weater # New Glarus is the bomb. http://twitpic.com/picxy # New Glarus is the bomb. # @trombonekenny all of it 🙂
Their “no coast pale ale” is amazing in reply to trombonekenny # Powered by Twitter Tools
Jun. 12, 2010
Cyber War: Microsoft a weak link in national security http://goo.gl/gWcI # Chrome OS may have ability to run desktop applications http://goo.gl/aOZw # Hacker defends going public with AT&T’s iPad data breach (Q&A) http://goo.gl/zPmb # @modrzeje “oh it’s so rough, I work from home on my couch, woe is me” in reply to modrzeje # @modrzeje Just like I’d expect a Chicago suburb boy to do. Enjoy it, Ferris. Your new nickname is now officially McFerris.
Jun. 11, 2010
iPhone 4 screen smashed, Samsung defends AMOLED screen, 3 getting iPhone 4 in UK http://goo.gl/IYum # DROID Incredible rooted http://goo.gl/VxKr # Finally got around to ordering my @weeklyroast subscription. # Motorola wants a 2GHz Android by year’s end, so do we http://goo.gl/fDjG # Powered by Twitter Tools
Jun. 10, 2010
@knassery I’ve heard good things a out party down. Worth the time? in reply to knassery # The Power of Open Source: Your Nexus One Can Shoot HD Video, Too [Video] http://goo.gl/298S # Someone carved Bender into the seats at murphy’s pub in Champaign. http://twitpic.com/1vbhdx # Someone carved Bender into the seats at murphy’s pub in Champaign. http://twitpic.com/1vbhdx #futurama # Security breach allows hackers to obtain info on 114,000 AT&T iPad owners http://goo.
Jun. 9, 2010
@ancker010 clive owen is cool but julia roberts just looks like a horse. that said, I’d like to see it. in reply to ancker010 # RT @weeklyroast: http://twitpic.com/zdda2 – Large french press of our El Salvador Matalapa coffee… malt sweetness, balanced, syrupy body. # RT @ancker010: Got my @weeklyroast shipment! Can’t wait! –you should bring that to work so I can have some 🙂 # @decks24 no, just the expensive school.
Jun. 8, 2010
Seeing if this Buzz2Twitter and Reader2Twitter stuff actually works. http://reader2twitter.appspot.com
Jun. 8, 2010
I believe my soekris box has finally died.
Jun. 8, 2010
@Vap0rz yeah man. I’m underwhelmed by iPhone 4, but ill still probably get one to mess with at some point
Jun. 7, 2010
@devivo yeah, those are bad.
Jun. 7, 2010
@AmericanPicker was an awesome season premiere tonight!
Jun. 7, 2010
Can’t WAIT for the @AmericanPicker premiere tonight. One of the most interesting shows on TV. Maybe they’ll make it down to centr’il someday
Jun. 6, 2010
@engineerz I sold my iPhone 3g and offset most of the n1 cost.
Jun. 6, 2010
@engineerz. yes and yes. I love the nexus one so far but I’m curious to see the new iPhone announced this week.
Jun. 6, 2010
@VonWelch yup, I just popped it in the n1 and it worked
Jun. 6, 2010
@chrobb true, both are pretty awful. in reply to chrobb # @RadishSpirit mine was up at 0545. in reply to RadishSpirit # @RadishSpirit that is a fine question in reply to RadishSpirit # @engineerz are your eyes watering and head closed up? If so I’d say yes. 🙂 in reply to engineerz # For some reason my N1 running 2.2 disables all wifi networks I have it save. Hopefully its simple user error.
Jun. 5, 2010
@tsrimovsky hmmm sounds like a job for a generator…oh wait, nevermind
Jun. 5, 2010
@knassery Well Played.
Jun. 5, 2010
Checking out doubletwist on my mac for iTunes replacement with nexus one. So far I’m pretty underwhelmed. Clunky, slow, seems to half work.
Jun. 4, 2010
@trombonekenny Skaar and I found it in about 10-15 min. Mostly it was skaar as I’m new to geocaching
Jun. 4, 2010
Kickball league starts tonight.
Jun. 4, 2010
I love that my Android Nexus One has a functional IPv6 stack.
Jun. 4, 2010
@knassery I used broadvoice for a while.
Jun. 3, 2010
I just realized that I didn’t use the #ccsp2010 tag one time yesterday. ::shrugs::
Jun. 2, 2010
@weeklyroast Ive had att the last 3 yrs and am equally happy w/them
Jun. 2, 2010
@weeklyroast vzw is a great network too. I personally don’t like the bb experience but vz offers 3 android phones.m.
Jun. 2, 2010
@weeklyroast look at android devices as well. Iverecently dropped my iPhone for a nexus one running android
Jun. 2, 2010
@ancker010 its the principal, not the implementation.
Jun. 2, 2010
@ancker010 The point is that they’re taking options away. I agree that it’s probably necessary and not that bad, still a #fail for consumers
Jun. 2, 2010
New AT&T data plans for #iPhone is #fail. Lame. http://bit.ly/aLWdTN #att
Jun. 1, 2010
Good night back on the mats but I think my sub wrestling days are numbered at this point.
Jun. 1, 2010
@SeanMHolland you’d better listen to your mom, Jay.
May. 31, 2010
@SeanMHolland the man is always trying to keep me down
May. 31, 2010
@SeanMHolland someone needs to tell me my team can’t win the adult kickball season 2 years in a row so that I can.
May. 31, 2010
@wrtrgrl77 that is pretty much how I’ve operated my whole life.
May. 31, 2010
I just heard my imac reboot from the other room. Hmm, odd. That should not have happened.
May. 30, 2010
@RadishSpirit I remembered it 🙂
May. 30, 2010
For some reason my N1 running 2.2 disables all wifi networks I have it save. Hopefully its simple user error.
May. 30, 2010
@engineerz are your eyes watering and head closed up? If so I’d say yes. 🙂
May. 30, 2010
@RadishSpirit that is a fine question
May. 30, 2010
@RadishSpirit mine was up at 0545.
May. 30, 2010
@chrobb true, both are pretty awful.
May. 30, 2010
Blah. Can’t seem to shake this head cold. Its too nice out for it and I want to cycle # Monkey hate clean. # @kenstone we did the same. in reply to kenstone # Afternoon project complete. Installed ceiling fan in the boys room. It even works : http://twitpic.com/1qg4rw -) # @knassery I’m an awesome sysadmin, btw. in reply to knassery # @ancker010 nice ride! But keep up with me?
May. 29, 2010
@devivo I’d like to give it a try in all of my free time 🙂
May. 29, 2010
Thinking about doing some geocaching. I’ve always wanted to give it a go but never have.
May. 28, 2010
@engineerz really well so far. I’m still getting used to the diffs.
May. 27, 2010
@decks24 kickball this season? My team is set to dominate again this year.
May. 27, 2010
@queritor no more west coast?
May. 27, 2010
“When you see the robot, drink!” Futurama is the best show EVER.
May. 27, 2010
@decks24 possibly the best rye I’ve ever had.
May. 27, 2010
@modrzeje Not nearly as cool as ass pennies. http://bit.ly/baUzo0
May. 27, 2010
Nexus one in hand. Android 2.2 loaded (and awesome) thanks to @icepick74
May. 26, 2010
Oberweis coffee ice cream is like a coffee orgasm.
May. 26, 2010
@wrtrgrl77 that’s an easily accomplished task
May. 26, 2010
@BillGlick User error.
May. 26, 2010
@VonWelch Yup. I sold my iPhone on ebay and ordered the N1.
May. 26, 2010
AT&T 3G Nexus One ordered. #android #Google
May. 26, 2010
@wrtrgrl77 do it.
May. 26, 2010
@queritor oh yeah. That site is a train wreck that you can’t look away from. I love it.
May. 25, 2010
http://youropenbook.org/ may be the greatest site I’ve found in recent history.
May. 25, 2010
@prezmcmahon tor still works as designed. it’s not meant for high performance, it’s meant to aid in privacy, however, it can be tuned some.
May. 25, 2010
@ancker010 nice ride! But keep up with me? Not likely 🙂
May. 24, 2010
@knassery I’m an awesome sysadmin, btw.
May. 23, 2010
Afternoon project complete. Installed ceiling fan in the boys room. It even works : http://twitpic.com/1qg4rw -)
May. 23, 2010
@kenstone we did the same.
May. 23, 2010
Monkey hate clean.
May. 23, 2010
Blah. Can’t seem to shake this head cold. Its too nice out for it and I want to cycle
May. 23, 2010
blah, I think my lawn mower is dead. # The HTC incredible is a really sweet device. I wish There was a gsm version available with AT&T 3g. # tor running on my #pfSense box. Pretty trivial to make work from CLI. Maybe I should make this a package……..in all of my spare time. # @Vap0rz incredible is more elegant. Droid more of a workhorse. I like ’em both but can’t have either.
May. 22, 2010
Upgraded to @cyanogen 5.0.7 DS-test7 on the HTC Magic. Upgraded seamlessly, seems quite a bit snappier now. Thanks for the hard work!
May. 22, 2010
Farmers market sounds like fun for this morning.
May. 21, 2010
@devivo Not the bore worms!
May. 20, 2010
#pfSense 2.0 ipv6 tunnel scripted and working again. Needs GUI but I’m tired.
May. 20, 2010
@jlgaddis I have one. Shoot me a pm and ill send it over. We are a huge consumerof their gear
May. 20, 2010
@modrzeje nice
May. 20, 2010
Thanks @AAirwaves, 3,000 bonus miles from #americanairlines for my 3 hours of delays last week.
May. 19, 2010
See, we’re putting new cover sheets on our TPS reports.
May. 18, 2010
@modrzeje #fail. You owe me coffee.
May. 18, 2010
Just burned up a 48Gig SSD and an 8G flash drive thanks to @modrzeje leaving the wrong power supplies bundled with USB hub. Thanks dude.
May. 17, 2010
Digging the #twitter #android app
May. 17, 2010
gw kernel: pid 11127 (tor), uid 256, was killed: out of swap space. Soekris setup just isn’t powerful enough for tor, I’m guessing.
May. 16, 2010
@Vap0rz incredible is more elegant. Droid more of a workhorse. I like ’em both but can’t have either.
May. 16, 2010
tor running on my #pfSense box. Pretty trivial to make work from CLI. Maybe I should make this a package……..in all of my spare time.
May. 16, 2010
The HTC incredible is a really sweet device. I wish There was a gsm version available with AT&T 3g.
May. 16, 2010
blah, I think my lawn mower is dead.
May. 16, 2010
Yawn. Hotel coffee really sucks when you’re used to @weeklyroast # Really impressed with the Arkansas University and ARE-ON folks at this @internet2 #IPv6 workshop. Great job guys, well done! # Really, really enjoyed being an instructor for the @internet2 #IPv6 class down here in beautiful Fayetteville, Arkansas. #fb # @cvkline A-MAZ-ING. Went 2 nights in a row, possibly best beers I’ve experienced at a brewpub, ever. Great food as well.
May. 10, 2010
@Vap0rz sure. I’ve just had one since 2007 and wanted a change for a bit in reply to Vap0rz # the h is o. # @SeanMHolland damn mad damn mad damn mad damn mad # @SeanMHolland “it looks like you’ve got a brillo pad on your head, Bud” in reply to SeanMHolland # Commuter bike has a flat for CU Bike to Work Day. I guess I’ll have to take the road bike and bring it into my office.
May. 3, 2010
So far really digging this att nexus one I’m testing. Android is pretty nice. # Really really digging this nexus one a lot. If only I had $500-ish dollars of my own money to drop on one to keep. # @ancker010 ive seen arista stuff at sc09 and its good for top rack but limited for most other stuff. in reply to ancker010 # @sn0weater worst ticketing system. Ever. in reply to sn0weater # Android 2.
Apr. 26, 2010
Cool details and video of apple’s new #iphone on @gizmodo http://gizmodo.com/5520164/ # @HoosierCAB @mzyw I wager that those that actually *need* to know actually do. in reply to HoosierCAB # Got my @comcast #IPv6 beta tester email this week, can’t wait to start pushing some IPv6 traffic natively! #comcast # @joshmeans Nice, re: DD mayor. # Can’t wait for #ebertfest to start tonight. # This is a pretty interesting and inspiring read re: #ebertfest and film http://j.
Apr. 24, 2010
Last weekend my son put my wife’s iPhone in the dog water. Needless to say, it didn’t survive. Since I had an old Blackberry 8100 I decided to give my iPhone to her and take the Blackberry until we could either replace or repair her damaged phone. This was a much harder transition that I had anticipated. I used the 8100 “Pearl” for about 6 months before upgrading to the original iPhone back in 2007 and had no issues with it.
Apr. 19, 2010
AT&T 3g data sucking hard in #chambana area lately. #att # @ATTJason I think it’s a known issue in this area. Regardless, it’s not convenient. in reply to ATTJason # Wifes iPhone in the dog water, check. Garage fridge compressor not working, check. Today is going to be expensive. # My blackberry pearl from 2007 is *awful* compared to my not-even-recent iPhone 3g that the wife now has. # Basic apps installed on old bberry # Moving back to this interface from the iphone isn’t gonna be easy or fun.
Apr. 12, 2010
RT @HoosierCAB My favorite saying from a (retired) co-worker: “Common sense and reasoning will not be tolerated.” # @knassery @ancker010 you’re both wrong. Only I work hard. # @decks24 at least busch doesn’t smell like piss like wrigley. in reply to decks24 # ahhhh, policy based routing in the early morning….again. # @engineerz Nagios is less chunky last I looked. in reply to engineerz # @chrobb how stable is the Dev preview of iPhone os 4?
Apr. 5, 2010
Ahhhh, nothing like policy routing in the morning. # @ancker010 let’s not kid ourselves, you can’t read. in reply to ancker010 # @sn0weater lame in reply to sn0weater # I now own coprophage.net Look it up =) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coprophage # #opendns resolution seems to be performing _very_ poorly on my #comcast cable modem in Champaign-Urbana, IL tonight. =( # Deepest apologies #opendns, #comcast. It appears to have been a kern.maxfiles limit exceeded error.
Mar. 29, 2010
Hmmm. HD TiVo in a broken state this morning. I’ve not seen that before. Had to hard reboot it to get it to work. # Interesting, salt in #coffee: http://blog.khymos.org/2010/03/21/a-pinch-of-salt-for-your-coffee-sir/ via @dopheide # Two “exchange” accounts on an iPhone is unbelievably useful. http://bit.ly/73y7Rc (via @icepick74 @ancker010). Why is this not standard?!? # Hmmm two exchange accounts with push enabled plus normal voice/data/text on iphone 3g does seem to eat battery like a delicious brownie.
Mar. 22, 2010
Champaign city council votes to fund #NTIA #bigbroadband project ( #uc2b ) in #chambana. Urbana vote Monday. # Happy St. Patricks day. Hopefully making corned beef and cabbage for dinner like my mom used to. # I’m giving serious consideration to the google nexus kne for AT&T that was released recently. $500 is really steep. # I’m giving serious consideration to the #android google #nexusone for AT&T that was released recently.
Mar. 15, 2010
1st android phone available on AT&T. http://is.gd/a29CZ # HTC Android Phones Found With Malware Pre-Installed: http://bit.ly/d5B1xS # @VonWelch rumor has it the backflip is pretty crippled. I’d wait for the nexus one on AT&T. in reply to VonWelch # blah. I hate configuring apache. # @knassery We gave up on that show a while ago. “American Pickers” is my new favorite. in reply to knassery # I’m becoming increasingly agitated the longer I’m awake.
Mar. 7, 2010
Where did my weekend go?!? Once again I propose that the work week should be 2 days and the weekend 5 days. # I’m hoping that @ancker010 is making some @weeklyroast #coffee in the office this morning. # When “they” say that kids get every sickness that goes around, “they” weren’t kidding. 🙁 # Cracked open what I think is the last of the 2008 Oktoberfest homebrew. Thus stuff was really good.
Feb. 28, 2010
I’m too lazy to tweet today so I’m just going to RT everyone else. # @trombonekenny tweevo looks awesome. I was very disapponted to see tht it requires windows. Maybe I’ll write one in python. in reply to trombonekenny # Google thinks that TCP should be more aggressive: http://bitsup.blogspot.com/2009/07/google-thinks-tcp-should-be-more.html # @engineerz You only need 3 hours of sleep a night to stay sane according to my dad. in reply to engineerz # AT&T Getting HTC Desire in may or June?
Feb. 21, 2010
I’m thinking I shouldn’t expect my Illinois state tax return anytime soon (or at all). # I think the 10.0 service release of #junos for EX series has finally fixed the loopback firewall filter weirdness. # RT: @sullrich Why you should not use social media sites such as foursquare, etc. http://pleaserobme.com/ # Switched back to my #pfsense 2.0-BETA1 box to hopefully work on some stuff. Rock solid 1.2.3 box waiting in case I break it =) # #pfsense Layer7 Rules are REALLY sweet.
Feb. 14, 2010
@jlivingood: –I’m chomping at the bit for this!!! I’d be interested to know how comcast handling dns WRT google opt in v6. # @billmarquette yikes. in reply to billmarquette # @jlivingood thx. I somehow missed that dns piece of the FAQ. in reply to jlivingood # *grumble* regarding junos loopback firewall bug on ex series #juniper. # 1 # Finally got hands on with a google nexus one. Impressive. Very impressive.
Feb. 7, 2010
Up super early to tweak some routing. Need coffee. # @trombonekenny you lack experience and vision re: v6 in reply to trombonekenny # @ancker010 @trombonekenny We should probably just move back to classful addressing. #ipv6 #turedandgrumpy # @trombonekenny We should champion it. We can usher in an era of 128bit addressing. =) And all will rejoice because it is good. Amen. #ipv6 in reply to trombonekenny # I’m delirious with tiredness.
Jan. 31, 2010
@jlivingood I absolutely would test IPv6. I’ve been using it 4 years via a tunnel at home and natively at work. It needs to be everywhere in reply to jlivingood # @jlivingoodand re: IPv6, I could name 10 other highly technical ppl throughout the US that would actually use it and give *useful* feedback. # Taxes are boring. # @Jokerjitsu I think you can get that in Indiana too….that pesky midwest region.
Jan. 24, 2010
RT @corbinsiddall: Can anyone point me to a non-Christian organization that is helping in Haiti? –Doctors w/o Borders # RT @corbinsiddall: I’m just curious. Can anyone point me to a non-Christian organization that is helping in Haiti? –Tzu Chi (Buddhist) # @queritor I use it for sec analysis as well as network baselining and to find heavy network users in reply to queritor # Home with the sore throat going through my house.
Jan. 3, 2010
I’ve been making mead as long as I’ve been making beer, and frankly, mead is much easier. I’m not a big wine drinker or really even a fan of wine, but mead is so easy to make and it turns out well with minimal work so I make it a few times a year. Here is a quick and dirty howto on making simple, traditional mead that I threw together a few nights ago:
Dec. 13, 2009
I’ve not updated in quite some time. The main reason being that I’m too busy/lazy to recompile php and need xml support to use mobile apps to compose and post….the second reason being that I’ve been using twitter a lot. You can follow my [using random] rantings and thoughts here if you’re interested. If not, I should be updating this from time to time as well with more [hopefully] well thought out, in depth stuff.
Nov. 20, 2009
I’m frustrated. I really love my iphone. I’ve had one since the beginning, but I am feeling a bit of device envy for some of those “other” phones out there. I really like that I am basically carrying a unix box around in my pocket, and that I can install apps and sync calendars and contacts and send and receive email…..and that it all works seamlessly from my mac.
Many of those things are actually pretty straightforward and widely available….
Sep. 2, 2009
Luke is featured on the front page of the Woods photography studio web page!
Jun. 26, 2009
I got interviewed for the WCIA channel 3 news for a cell phone tracking/hacking follow up story. They cut out a lot of the interview for other content, but I still had a few comments.
WCIA news interview
Jun. 24, 2009
’nuff said.
May. 18, 2009
I’m a big fan of the commercial and digital skits on SNL, especially if they’re a bit on the “too far” side. This one is no exception, Mother Lover.
And just got good measure, a bad copy of the “Mercury Mistress”.
May. 13, 2009
This week I received a Purple belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu under Jack McVicker. Having trained in bjj since about 2002 under Jack, it was a very great honor to receive this promotion. Training with the high level guys that I work with several times a week certainly helps progression of skill and technique, of course having great instruction doesn’t hurt either.
In this image are (left to right) Rob Andres, Jack McVicker, Peter Roubal, Me (Nick Buraglio)
Apr. 7, 2009
I used to love watching SCTV reruns as a kid in the 80’s. I think I need to buy or rent the boxed set.
Also now I want pancakes.
Apr. 3, 2009
When I was 18, much to my parents dismay, I purchased a motorcycle. My first bike, a 1974 Yamaha RD 350 , was a two stroke street bike. I did not know how to ride a motorcycle, had no helmet, no license, no insurance and no license plates. I bought it for $250 and had to learn to ride it to get it to it’s new home. I liked this bike and rode it all summer (with no license, insurance or plates) back and forth to my girlfriends house in the country.
Mar. 22, 2009
I went about 6 weeks without a haircut for the first time in about 10 years…I also had somewhat of a hobo beard.
You be the judge.
Mar. 18, 2009
Finally, finally, finally. The iPhone 3.0 OS that was announced this week is finally adding features that the original iPhone should have had. Features that some of which, other than a software addition, were always possible, not new, but nonetheless unavailable.
The features include:
Exchange 2007 remote search support
Read and compose email and text messages in landscape
…among many others.
Some screenshots, linked via BGR:
We’ve finally stepped out to 2004 with the addition of MMS.
Mar. 12, 2009
Several people have mentioned triathlons to me in the last 2 weeks, which has me thinking…..could my injury riddled body, damaged from years of skateboarding, distance running, boxing and submission wrestling handle another triathlon?
I have not participated in one since 2006, and really not trained properly for one since 2005…..I have also not run any event runs or races since 2007 (or run at all since 2007 due to my very beat-to-hell back).
Mar. 9, 2009
Set to Minor Threat‘s “Filler”, some of the church dancers have surprisingly similar dance styles to hardcore.
Courtesy of the one and only Sean Holland.
Feb. 20, 2009
I never thought I’d be on a boat….
Hilarious…..no other words….
Feb. 19, 2009
While rooting through a box in my basement, I came across something that I had no idea I still had. It was my very first watch, a cat-in-the-hat winder. I remember receiving this little treasure as a gift for xmas, probably around 1980. I was really young so memories are a little hazy, but I do remember wearing it proudly to grade school on it’s black leather band (now lost). I pulled this thing out of that box and it was like a blast from the past.
Feb. 7, 2009
Lately I’ve been going through old boxes of stuff, organizing and cleaning up. I never really packed well, or unpacked some of the stuff from when before I was married, with many things just thrown in boxes with reckless abandon. In rifling through the ill-packaged containers of my junk, I’ve happened across some treasures. Here are some examples:
I’ve also found things like the glass and keychain from my senior prom as well as the dried corsage.
Feb. 6, 2009
My wife is super cool. Not only is she a great mom to our son, she’s smart, hot and actually listens to me when I talk about stuff I know she’s not interested in. Case in point, my birthday. I’ve always been a fan of watches and timepieces, and shes bought me several watches for my collection over the years.
This year we are a little busy and I actually forgot about my own birthday until she reminded me.
Jan. 22, 2009
There was once a day not so long ago when I had a wealth of knowledge about photography, photo equipment, color photo processors, digital image retouching and the hardware and software that it entailed. …..well, 11 years later and a lot of that has changed. When I was doing it, digital cameras were terrible. They didn’t even compare to a good SLR or medium format camera. So, I stuck with what I knew, emulsion based photography, and got passed up.
Jan. 16, 2009
Anyone that knows me knows that I love T-Shirts. They’ve been pretty much the only thing I have worn for the bulk of my life, much to my mother and wife’s dismay. That said, there are a lot of shirt ideas that I’ve had in the past but I’ve never had any mechanism for making them. Often it’s not economical for local print shops to make just 1 or 2 shirts from a design, so a consumer needs to order them in bulk, making it not economical for the consumer.
Jan. 15, 2009
My cousin Tony sent this to me and I was in tears laughing as I watched it. Listening to someone that has never seen any of the star wars movies all the way through try to explain the plot is pretty funny. The animations help a little too.
Star Wars: Retold (by someone who hasn’t seen it) from Joe Nicolosi on Vimeo.
Jan. 11, 2009
Image manipulation via either Photoshop, Gimp, or whatever is a wonderful tool and can provide hours of entertainment. In keeping with the skateboarding theme of the last few days, I decided to mess a little with some of the images and came up with this:
So retro! So old school! Wow, it’s a xeroxed image! Reminiscent of the old do-it-yourself style that was so common in early skateboarding, I just had to have this image from the archives on a some sort of apparel.
Jan. 8, 2009
Many know that I was, and still am, a huge fan of skateboarding. I started around age 12 (1987), while in Jr. High and continued through college up through probably 4-5 years ago.
Being from a smaller Midwestern town there is not a lot to do, and not a terribly large amount of outside culture. Magazines are something that we’d read to get updated on the newest tricks, what was new, who rode for what team, etc.
Jan. 3, 2009
A recent post about integrating our new son into our family of four legged kids led me to a goldmine that I never knew existed. Von Welch sent me a funny video from Cracked.com. I had no idea that they had video, and most of it is pretty darned funny. Anyway, Von sent me this video, which I thoroughly enjoyed.
Worst Parents Ever — powered by Cracked.comThere is a wealth of other funny stuff, like this video about 5 things that you shouldn’t be able to buy on ebay:
Jan. 2, 2009
It’s a widely known fact that I love good coffee. There is something about waking up to the great smell of coffee brewing and then getting a drink of the first cup of the day that is invigorating.
I like to cook, and I really like to make interesting things and I really, really like to make stuff that tastes good (who doesn’t?), so when I make coffee I try to make the best tasting coffee that I can.
Dec. 31, 2008
In keeping with tradition, Luke decided to make a grand entrance after much drama at 0627 on December 30, 2008, weighing in at a svelte 6lb 10.7oz and 21″ in length. Both Luke and his strong, resilient mother are doing exceptionally well. There have been a lot of friends and family swinging by to visit, with more to come.
Luke Buraglio Sleeping Keep track of updates athis little corner of the web.
Dec. 28, 2008
Once again the pfSense team has given the open source and commercial community another great release of their marvelous firewall software. CHECK IT OUT, DONATE, or HELP OUT!
Dec. 28, 2008
I have a few cron jobs that run on my home mac machines and I like to get the notifications generated from the MAILTO parameter. Well, a while ago (I believe after the comcast acquisition of insightbb), this stopped working. I did a little debugging and it is my belief that port 25 is being blocked outbound from the comcast network. Many people speculatethis, and as a network engineer I think it is actually a good idea.
Dec. 25, 2008
I enjoyed this….white guys that dance as poorly as I do.
…obviously it’s Mac, BTW.
Dec. 18, 2008
These guys are rocking right along with the Layer 7 QoS stuff for pfSense.
I can’t wait to get some time to test it.
Dec. 18, 2008
I’ve been revisiting IPv6 a lot again lately, and one thing I wanted to do was to get my home network back running IPv6 again after having it off for a while. IPv6 isn’t that hard to understand, configure, route or use, it’s just different and I need to know it well for my job so this is a good excuse to play around and re-read some of the books I bought years ago on the subject.
Dec. 12, 2008
Taken from Fail Blog, I found this absolutely hilarious.
Dec. 10, 2008
The new Wolverine origins movie is highly anticipated by pretty much everyone Ive talked to. I’ve been searching the ‘net looking for a decent trailer, even though I know it’s not released it. Well, I found a trailer. the quality isn’t the greatest but at least it gets the point across that the movie looks pretty darned awesome.
Dec. 8, 2008
A lot of folks have asked me about the Blackberry Storm. Well, it looks like an impressive device, and if I still had Verizon Wireless and didn’t already have an iphone 3g, I’d very likely have one of these.
Rumors were flying about initial firmware issues, sluggish behavior and general buggyness, but it appears that they’ve been working on the problems and have fixes either on the way or already here.
Dec. 5, 2008
I’m not really sure how I missed this, probably because it’s some students doing the work, but nevertheless, it’s very exciting.
This is something that has been unavailable for the most part under *BSD, but available for quite some time under Linux. I personally don’t like iptables and find it much less elegant than pf, both in implementation and practice so seeing this work is very encouraging and I can’t wait to test it out.
Dec. 4, 2008
As many know, I love T-Shirts, and the only thing better than a great T-Shirt, is a great shirt from a classic 80’s movie of my childhood.
Thank goodness there is Found Item Clothing. These guys recreate so many of the shirts from classic pop culture and just all around great movies (they also have a pretty good movie/dvd review section).
Anyway, in keeping with their awesome tradition, they’ve released even more new shirts.
Dec. 2, 2008
It’s been quite a while since I did a beer review and I’ve had SO many unique brews since the last one, but the most recent beverage I had worth writing about was the Schlafly Imperial Stout. I was able to enjoy this the other night thanks to my brother-in-law Rob. I would highly recommend this big brew to anyone that has $ to drop in one big, dark, powerful beer.
Nov. 30, 2008
That iPhone Dev team has decided to port the linux kernel and BusyBoxto the iPhone and write a completely new boot loader to support dual booting.
iPhone Linux Demonstration Video from planetbeing on Vimeo.
I’m not sure that it really means anything for everyday users of the iPhone at this point, but it’s certainly interesting for geeks, hobbyists, code hackers and possibly developers.
If I had a spare iPhone I might give it a whirl just to see it work, but since I don’t I’ll just be satisfied with the announcement.
Nov. 28, 2008
This was brought to my attention by Mike Aref AKA JokerJitsu and I HAD to post it. It is too good to not watch. I’m a big John Carpenter fan and having The Thing remade using G.I. Joe characters, with the care that was used to do this deserves talking about.
Nov. 26, 2008
Always being on the lookout for good, well put together information, I came across this network oriented technical blog, and it was a pretty helpful find, containing many of the ACLs and details for HSRP, BGP, OSPF, VRRP, GLBP. I posted a comment containing VRRP-E information.
Anyone that has to deal with these protocols will likely find this a decent reference, and since they’re all things that network engineers use all the time, it’s nice to have them all in one place.
Nov. 26, 2008
** Check comments section for follow up details.
Where to actually start on this…….
Since the availability of LNP (Local Number Portability) I’ve contemplated moving our landline number that has been in place for about 10 years to a family share type of line on our cell plan.
Why, you may ask, would one even bother to keep a land line in this day and age other than e911 service or a DSL or other data service line that requires it?
Nov. 20, 2008
This looks really accurate as far as recreation and is a freakin’ cool storyline.
I’d stand in line to watch this.
Nov. 19, 2008
I have high hopes for this one…but my expectations are going to be hard to meet. It looks decent enough from the trailer.
Nov. 19, 2008
Verizon Wireless Blackberry Storm “Private Sale” causes a furor
I’m not a verizon customer anymore but if I really wanted one of these and drove into the store to get one [before actually reading the flyer first] I’d probably be a little miffed.
Nov. 19, 2008
Every day I like to wake up and see something funny, it starts the day out right. Lately that funny thing has been exuberantly provided by the Fail Blog, a random compilation of often spectacular everyday failures.
Anyone can submit a “failure”. Here is a recent example:
and here is a recent favorite of mine that was found on youtube:
It’s a decent way to get a chuckle.
Nov. 16, 2008
I am a fan of audio books since I rarely have time to read any fiction (or even nonfiction) anymore the iPod (and now iPhone) have been a great help in making my time more versatile and allowing me to enjoy some books that I would otherwise not have time to enjoy.
The biggest limitation that I have run into is that iTunes (and by nature the iPod/iPhone) doesn’t play as nicely as I think it should with mp3 files as it does with it’s m4b, the format it uses for audio books, and many of the free audio books come as mp3 format.
Nov. 10, 2008
I thoroughly enjoyed this wacky version of a classic 80’s video.
It seems to be pretty popular too, I bleive it has over a million hits and it’s own “Pipe Wrench Fight” cafe press site with shirts.
Nov. 7, 2008
My old office building located on Neil street in Champaign burned down this morning! It was an old building, built in 1870 I believe, and had a significant amount of issues being that old. It had been undergoing a major renovation since floors two and three had not been used since around 1970 and 1940 or 1950 respectively.
The employer that I worked for, Sol Tec, INC. purchased the building around mid-to-late 2001 and sold it a few years later.
Nov. 2, 2008
According to engadget mobile, AT&T may be following suit and begin testing Femtocells. This is great news for anyone in a marginal coverage area that is able to get terrestrial broadband.
I, for one, would love to test one (especially if it meant I could finally have 3g).
More info can be found here.
Oct. 21, 2008
Our dog Chloe was on “Pet on the Set” on the local morning news. Here is the clip:
Rebecca wasn’t in this segment one but was there in the background.
Now both Dexter and Chloe have been seen across Illinois on the broadcast news. Fun!
Oct. 19, 2008
I happen to love It’s always sunny in Philadelphia.
I find it’s lack of tact and willingness to push the envelope of good taste refreshing. In fact, one of their recent episodes (who pooped the bed) has a striking similarity to a funny story from my college days when we told everyone that Carl pooped the bed (which he really didn’t, but damn was it funny).
The strange pop culture references like mac wanting to be a cooler (like from Roadhouse) is downright genius and the physical humor is pretty darned good too.
Sep. 28, 2008
As I have done every year (save one) since its inception, I headed over to the annual Urbana Beer and Chili cook off in Downtown Urbana. My expectations are never really high because of the usual things that go along with running such an event in a college town. It is promoted by Jay Goldberg Events, the owners of the canopy club if I understand correctly. It is more or less worked by volunteers who know little to nothing about the beverages they are serving, but there is a decent selection (I believe all coming from Premium Brands distributor).
Sep. 18, 2008
Probably one of the sharpest, most rude, envelope pushing shows on TV. Ever. I’ve been a fan since the beginning….and it seems to only get better.
Sep. 15, 2008
I decided it was finally time to brew one of my favorite styles for myself. I jumped in with both feet on this one, what I hope to be a VERY hoppy Pale Ale, which I’ve so creatively titled “Buraglio’s Pale Ale”.
The recipe can be found on Google Documents here.
Here is an image of it fermenting after 2 days. This was my first batch ever that actually needed a blow off tube rather than a simple airlock.
Sep. 13, 2008
I’ve long been a fan of Found Item Clothing, they have some really obscure shirts that aren’t found elsewhere and are pretty diligent about reproducing them as closely to the original as possible. I have several of their shirts and have always been very happy with both the quality and the service.
In keeping with their tradition of finding cool ideas from (often underrated) 80’s movies, they’ve introduced the “Death Before Disco” sweatshirt from Stripes.
Sep. 12, 2008
This seems to come around every year or so and I always enjoy it.
Sep. 11, 2008
This is AWESOME! I can’t believe I missed this when it was aired.
Sep. 10, 2008
I always enjoyed watching Evan Tanner fight and really liked his aggressive style. He had a great ground-and-pound game but was a much more well rounded fighter as well as an interesting person than what most MMA fans saw. Anyone that read his personal blog on any regular basis saw that he was both a charismatic and gifted person and troubled individual. I never had a chance to meet him in person but the game and the world will surely miss such a unique individual.
Sep. 7, 2008
I got my keg order in and it looks like I can fit 2 kegs plus a co2 dispenser in the beer fridge. The local homebrew club got such a great deal on the kegs that I decided to put off switching to all grain and spend the money on a kegging system. I was able to get five used 5 gallon kegs plus new seals for $80 through our local club (we did a huge order).
Sep. 1, 2008
In the last few weeks I’ve been in what can only be described as a mission to taste as much good beer as I can. On the short list, all of the stuff at the the Morgan St. Brewery in STL(the dark wheat was excellent, as was the altbier).
I’ve also been on a Belgian Ale kick, having just bottled mine a few days ago. The Hoppin’ Frog Belgian Strong ale is a favorite of mine.
Aug. 23, 2008
There is something wrong, and yet so right about this image.
I didn’t make it but I sure do love it. I don’t work helpdesk but I used to have a bunch of helpdesk guys that would “human shield” me from the customers and some of the stuff they had to deal with was un-freaking-believable.
“I can’t get my email, you’d better turn that damned server back on!” -Angry Old guy who would yell and hang up.
Aug. 15, 2008
I saw this when it was originally aired, and it’s just as funny today.
Aug. 13, 2008
This Movie / Documentary looks very cool. IT should be playing at Boardman’s soon. This guy is crazy, but it kinda makes sense.
It’s getting great reviews:
“I am afraid of heights. Now you know. That is one reason I was helplessly engrossed in “Man on Wire,” the story of how Philippe Petit crossed eight times on a tight-wire between the two towers of the World Trade Center on Aug. 7, 1974.
Aug. 11, 2008
I updated some code to make importing certificate chains work under pfSense. It’s been a long time coming and the code is probably messy since I’m not a programmer but, for anyone that needs this, it should work.
There are 4 files that need touched:
All are contained in the tar file here.
These were all written under 1.2, so using them on other versions may cause unforseen weirdness.
Aug. 10, 2008
Since many folks have asked for this recipe, I decided that I should actually go and copy it from my notes to my Google Docs archhive of recipes.
This beer was a bit of a surprise, I made it with some pretty old ingredients a little last minute and didn’t expect much from it. I pitched it onto an existing yeast cake from my vanilla porter and just let it go.
Aug. 5, 2008
I made a Belgian ale this weekend, I had most of the ingredients here already, including a good WL Belgian Ale Yeast blend. It’s currently fermenting away nicely
The recipe can be found here or here for the google document version (it will update as I add notes).
Jul. 30, 2008
In keeping with Buraglio tradition, we’ve spawned what doctors have deemed to be a male.
I think he’s already working on his x-guard too….
Jul. 28, 2008
I’m a little frustrated with the WordPress conversion, overall I think it’s probably better than movable type, but the primary driver for making the changeover was so that I could use the mobile support that came out for the iPhone. Well, I seem to be running into a fairly common bug in it, in that it doesn’t seem to be able to read my configuration or write to my pages.
Jul. 28, 2008
There are a wealth of new shirts on Found Item Clothing as well as some interesting reads on their blog, It goes to 11
Check em out, he has some pretty slick T’s like the shirt from RAD.
or the shirt from Breaking Away starring the always enchanting Jackie Earle Haley.
Throw him some biz, he always ships fast (I have several of his creations).
Jul. 27, 2008
I’ve been thinking about moving this blog over to movable type due to the more user friendly and extendable nature of it, even though I don’t like the idea of a mysql backend (my old MT install just uses sqlite). With the useful iphone support and ease of use It just seems like the right thing to do…..and since it’s already pretty much done, here it is. Note the cheery default color scheme (6/27/2008, it’s probably going to change….
Jul. 21, 2008
I spent some time making my Oktoberfest (yeah, I know I’m like months late) and decided it might be fun to try and film it to show others that it’s actually pretty easy and economical to make a 5 gallon batch of home brewed beer. Well, after about an hour and a half of editing and a realization that my camera work for this one really kinda stunk, I was done and had a 30 minute “documentary”.
Jul. 19, 2008
This is pretty funny, it came up as a related video to my stupid coffee clip…
Jul. 19, 2008
I got a new imac (and it’s awesome) and was messing with capturing some video on the built in camera and editing it with iMovie…
Anyway, I like coffee and here is the result:
So dumb and yet so true…
Jun. 1, 2008
A lot has been going on. I’ve been to Aruba on vacation and to Canada for a great conference. Summer is here and I’m gearing up for the MS150…..It looks like we’re sticking around Champaign for a while longer, but life’s about to get a little more interesting……..
Thats right, I’ve gone and procreated.
Mar. 22, 2008
So I watched a few skate videos last night and I HAD to get my board out. I’m pretty awful anymore but I did manage to get some bad video of me doing a few simple tricks.
I think I could pick up some of my old tricks, I may try some curb work at some point and see how well that goes….
Mar. 21, 2008
Man, watching the Lakai Fully Flared video atmy friend Sean’s suggeston makes me really miss skating every day. At 33 It’s a little hard on my body after all the abuse but I did get the board out and do a few kickflips and curb tricks for the neighbor kids today. It was worth it but, unfortunately, it made my body really feel the years of abuse. I may kick around at the C-U park a little tomorrow……
Mar. 15, 2008
This is a MUST see.
Feb. 9, 2008
Sweet Cider (based on edwort’s apfelwein)
1/13/20083 gallon batchUse 100% Apple juice, no preservatives. (Indian Summer is a good brand, I believe I used the generic equivalent that was readily available)Added 1/3 gallon of 100% juice to 6.5 gallon carboyAdded 1/2 # of corn sugar to remaining amount in bottle.Mixed (shook) until dissolved. Added remainder to carboyRepeat 1xPitched 1 packet Nottingham ale yeast right through funnelAdded final gallon to carboy to wash down remaining yeast.
Feb. 1, 2008
**Chloe’s cream ale**| From the BrewBlog of Nick Buraglio Champaign, IL USA | |---| | Printed January 27, 2008 | **Specifics**| \| **Style:** \| Cream Ale \| \|---\|---\| | |---| | \| **Brew Date:** \| December 27, 2007 \| | \| **Batch No:** \| 8 \| \|---\|---\|---\| \| **OG:** \| 1.049 \| \| **Reading 1:** \| 1.020 (8 days) \| \| **Status:** \| Secondary \| | |---| **General Information**| **Method:** | Partial Mash | |---|---| | **Cost:** | $45 | | Based loosely on the AHS cream ale and Cheesefood’s caramel cream ale.
Feb. 1, 2008
**Honey Light Lager** | From the BrewBlog of Nick Buraglio Champaign, IL USA | |---| | Printed January 26, 2008 | **Specifics** | \| **Style:** \| Premium American Lager \| \|---\|---\| | |---| | \| **Yield:** \| 5 gallons \| | \| **OG:** \| 1.039 \| \|---\|---\|---\| | |---| **General Information** | **Method:** | Partial Mash | |---|---| **Recipe** | **Extracts** | |---| | 3.
Jan. 21, 2008
Look up your favorite soft drink and see how it compares to others. This is not usual data on the back of the label. It’s interesting that the diet drinks have some of the highest levels.
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Jan. 12, 2008
Sources tell us that Apple may include WiMax, the high-speed, long-range wireless broadband technology, in an ultraportable 13″ notebook computer, and possibly across the entire MacBook Pro line. Check the link (and the great apple vintage shirts!) for info.
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digg story
Jan. 12, 2008
iTransmogrify! is a bookmarklet for iPhone which transforms embedded Flash content into direct links to natively supported formats. That means YouTube videos and MP3s can now be played from the iPhone’s Safari web browser with just a few clicks. Seeing it work is the best explanation.
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Jan. 10, 2008
No one really has enough time (or money) to see every movie released every year, but shamefully too many great films are left in the dust. Sure, maybe you’ll see a couple of those indies that are making the rounds on the year-end top ten lists, but even those critics missed a few good ones. Watch all of these.
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Jan. 10, 2008
A disclaimer upon watching the Sesame Street Classics DVD claims that it might not be suitable for children.
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Jan. 7, 2008
With Macworld approaching, many concept designs are circulating to demonstrate how Apple might design the upcoming “thin” notebook. Our multitouch article generated a long discussion with a number of unofficial mockups posted.
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Jan. 5, 2008
As much as I respect DAvid Lynch, I have to disagree about watching movies on the iPhone (or laptop, or any mobile device). It’s too darned convenient when traveling, even if it does change the experience.
From Gizmodo: Always thought that watching movies on a tiny portable device is a crummy experience in pretty much every way possible. Crazy-ass director David Lynch (of Mulholland Dr., Lost Highway and Twin Peaks fame) thinks so too.
Jan. 4, 2008
In the “huh? seriously?” category, and as the line between science fiction and reality becomes increasingly blurry, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has always led the pack in terms of weird & wacky innovations. This time Darpa-funded scientists have found a drug that eliminates sleepiness with a nasal spray of a key brain hormone, with no apparent side-effects.
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Jan. 4, 2008
Here is a review of what some have dubbed the 20 best iPhone or iPod touch apps.
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Jan. 3, 2008
“This Apple docking station patent shows a screen base in which you can slide in a MacBook through its side. While this would be difficult to do with current MacBooks, it fits perfectly with the idea of the ultra-light, ultra-slim MacBook that allegedly will be presented at MacWorld.” The images and description looks quite cool.
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Jan. 3, 2008
Mac maker Apple Inc., which later this month will unveil its first sub-notebook design in over a decade, is likely to offer an external optical drive as an optional accessory, according to a new report.
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Jan. 3, 2008
Google has reserved two booths for the Mobile World Congress in February, and we must assume that it will be sporting some kind of hardware exhibits in all that space.
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Jan. 3, 2008
Apple will release an iPhone software update during MacWorld Expo 2008, well informed sources confirmed MacScoop. But it appears that the unpolished iPhone sofware version recently leaked on the Internet doesn’t include all the features of the final release.
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Dec. 30, 2007
With the impending release of the iPhone firmware 1.1.3 there are a lot of additions, most important to me being the inclusion of multi recipient SMS messages (something that should have been there from day one). cre.ations.net has a video of one of the other cool features, movable icons (something available with a jailbroken iPhone for a long time). Anyway, it’s nice to see apple actually including it. I’m still waiting to see the *actual* release date, it’ll probably be around Macworld, but who knows.
Nov. 24, 2007
Since I’ve aggravated a (likely very old) back injury once again and can’t train or work out nearly as much as I used to until it’s healed, I have decided to try my hand at making beer….and wine (or is it cider?)….and mead….
I’ve gone a little overboard.
I’ve bottled my first batch, an English Brown ale, and after bottle conditioning for about 2 weeks it’s actually pretty darned good. Nice and clear, not cloudy like I would have expected.
Nov. 4, 2007
This could easily be as big as the iPhone….
The long-awaited announcement of Google’s phone plans will occur earlier than expected, and not in the form previously laid out, says the Wall Street Journal. While it had been suggested that an announcement would come November 13th at the earliest, the Journal’s sources say that it will mostly likely happen Monday, November 13th at the earliest, the Journal’s sources say that it will mostly likely happen Monday, November 5th, and with different carriers.
Oct. 25, 2007
The Contents of the /var/root/Library/Keyboard file on an iPhone contains all non-default dictionary words. Not likely a problem, but it’s a good idea to know if personal or private information is being stored on a mobile device. Since I’m doing a lot more security stuff now in my new position, I have been trying to apply some of the things I like (such as apple and mobile hardware) to the position.
Oct. 24, 2007
New version of iFuntastic will quickly and easily jailbreak iPhone version 1.1.1. You can add your own custom ringtones, too. It does all the old stuff on both old and new iPhone versions. I have a feeling that there will be a firmware upgrade coming pretty close to the Leopard release this week, which will likely break all of this again….. Let the madness begin (again).
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Oct. 23, 2007
Over at Google Code, the iphone-elite team has released their revirginizing tool, which is designed to rebuild your iPhone’s seczone lock table. After using this tool, the team suggests, your 1.0.2 unlocked iPhone will return to its pre-unlocked state and be safe to upgrade to 1.1.1. I’m sure that this is a VERY welcome release for those that unlocked their delicious little iPhones with an early release of iUnock or anySIM, which basically prevented an upgrade (or bricked an unlocked phone) to Firmware 1.
Oct. 22, 2007
eBay is great and all, but the days are getting fewer and further between that you can actually find a good deal on there. I found this little article that has 13 other places to look. That said, eBay is still a pretty good place to find obscure stuff, even if you do have to pay a little more.
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Jun. 9, 2007
Well, I’ve decided that I think I’m going to wait and not get an iPhone. As much of an Apple zealot as I am, this may seem like a strange choice. Well, with a lot of the details surfacing with it’s impending release, I think it’s just too early. While I believe Apple is a very good company and makes quality hardware and software, I think that this is far too new of a market for them.
Apr. 29, 2007
Apparently Sith lords don’t like rude cell phone users either.
Mar. 19, 2007
This is probably the WORST thing I’ve seen in a LONG time. I like the look on the jiu jitsu grapplers faces as he tries his sorcery on them. Not even pathetic, just sad…….
Mar. 6, 2007
I am not a programmer, but the idea of creating useful software intrigues me. I’ve taught myself enough Python to do simple things and I can usually modify and understand most Perl scripting as well as do some stuff in PHP.
Ruby is something that I always heard was really nice (much like Python), so I decided I was going to try and learn some of it. There are some really useful tools for doing things on your OS X mac with ruby (and Python), things like RB-Appscript, an apple event bridge for Ruby.
Feb. 27, 2007
Wow. This show was awesome.
Feb. 19, 2007
Pretty funny…
Feb. 17, 2007
Some stuff as leaked about the pricing of the iPhone from apple to be launched by Cingular/AT&T in the next few months. Surprisingly (to me at least) the prices were $200 lower than was expected. I’m still ion the fence about switching to Cingular and gettin an iPhone. I like the idea of Rollover, and I love the idea of having a SIM in my phone. On the other hand, I have been relatively happy with Verizon for a few years and I don’t think I can give up the calendar or functions my Treo offers.
Feb. 15, 2007
This was brought to my attention by my cousin, Tony, and is probably one of the greatest things I’ve seen in a looooooooong time. I believe it has pretty much all the original characters from The Karate Kid. I had to watch it twice in a row.
Feb. 15, 2007
In the airport in Minneapolis, MN there were at LEAST 2 vending machines (in the American Airlines terminal) for iPods. I literally did a double take, then wished I would have come up with the idea. Put your credit card in and get any model of ipod, from shuffle to 80gig video. They also had accessories, chargers, and prepaid cingular mobile phones. Put in your credit card and get an ipod, it was actually pretty slick.
Jan. 30, 2007
I finally got my photos moved over to a Gallery Install and stored in a nice postgres database…. iPhoto is the bomb, there are so many plugins that make it useful. iphoto2gallery is a marvelous tool. Kudos to the author, it’s very useful. There are also shutterfly exports, picasaweb export plugins, the list goes on and on. I guess I’m just spoiled by the fact that I never have to use a windows box.
Jan. 29, 2007
Check out how slick this road is! Crazy. It looks like a game of bumper cars and seems to go on forever:
Speaking of crummy weather, my less-than-a-year-old subaru had a branch fall on it this weekend and literally shatter out the hatchback window due to high winds. Very uncool, very inconvenient. It had to be a freak thing, the place it hit was right above the body, which basically took out the entire back window.
Jan. 11, 2007
If only it were available from Verizon…..I don’t know if I can switch.
Check out some of the features!
Dec. 17, 2006
Dec. 17, 2006
I don’t know why but I happen to love these….
“Episode 4”
Dec. 16, 2006
This site (and all my others) have moved to a better, stronger, newer, faster host at a new facility. Things should be pretty zippy now!
Dec. 12, 2006
December 11, 2006 was quite possibly the worst day I’ve ever had. Not only did we lose a best friend to an unnecessary, insidious form of cancer, but he was taken from us after less than 7 years. Although no amount of time would ever have been enough, 6 and a half years was far, far too short.
Lenny became a quick part of our family because of his sweet disposition and laid back attitude.
Dec. 6, 2006
It’s a widely accepted opinion that Fox news seems to be a little biased. I really don’t watch the news so I had only others speculation to draw upon. Then I saw this. It certainly gives a compelling argument in favor of that opinion. Thankfully, I get most of my news from the net.
And WOW…..
Nov. 18, 2006
I’ve been watching a lot of Doctor Who lately. I always enjoyed it as a kid (the Tom Baker Doctor). I think it was my grandpa and his love of british humor that introduced me to “The Doctor”.
…So, on a whim, I went out and got the new (9th and 10th Doctor) Doctor Who seasons (2005-2006) and watched them. WOW. The storied were always great, funny and interesting, yet serious and entertaining at the same time.
Oct. 23, 2006
I’ve been super busy. …maybe post more later.
Sep. 17, 2006
This is freakin’ great. Titled “Spring break mishap”.
Sep. 7, 2006
Stripes is a great movie. I bought the extended edition a while ago. While I believe Stripes is a “must own movie”, I was sorely dissapointed in the deleted scenes. For some reason I was thinking about Sgt. Hulka today, one quote in particular:
Soldier, I’ve noticed you’re always last” Winger replies with “I’m pacing myself Sargeant”. Genius.
Aug. 30, 2006
I just came across this (I know, it’s old).
I was/am a huge futurama fan, so news of the dvd movies and possible return with 13 new episodes was very nice. This nice little clip for the movie“An Inconvenient Truth” was also good (since I happen to subscribe to a great deal of what the movie says).
Aug. 29, 2006
I happen to love t-shirts. I’d be so bold as to say that I collect them, especially shirts that remind me of growing up. A group of us were talking about Total Recall, Kuato specifically, and I thought it would be cool to have a Kuato Lives shirt. Low and behold, someone else has already done it!
You can get the shirt from Cafe Press. I think I may order one.
Aug. 27, 2006
A few friends and I did the CU Across the prairie ride yesterday. The weather pretty much sucked, raining on us the majority of the ride. Sice the weather was so bad we opted to do the 47 mile route as opposed to the Metric century like last year. I must say, this year the ride was much less of a “Scenic” route than last year, and I, overall, was a little disapointed.
Aug. 18, 2006
I cannot believe I waited 31 years to get one of these. I got it from http://www.tuxshirt.com/. Totally worth it.
Aug. 14, 2006
Rebecca and I spent the weekend in downtown chicago to “get away” for a bit. It really was quite relaxing, even with my aggrivated back. We got the hookup and got into the Shed Aquarium for free, and circumvented the hour-long line. Quite cool. We enjoyed Shark Week, something I’ve done for a long time and were looking forward to seeing the sharks there. We certainly weren’t disapointed. I forgot the camera but managed to snap some crappy pics with my treo.
Aug. 11, 2006
I went to a SCinet meeting last week in Reno, NV to which I’d never been. I’ve also never been to Las Vegas, but Rebecca told me basically waht it was like, something that isn’t really my style. I don’t smoke and I don’t gamble, both of which are abundant in Reno. The hotel/casino we stayed in and had our meetings in reminded me of the movie Casino, everyone looking out of style and place.
Aug. 7, 2006
I did the “24th annual” Champaign Park District mini-triathlon again this year. It’s a very short sprint triathlon that the Champaign Park District puts on every year, it’s usually pretty fun, being very short and very close to my house. I had originally planned on training for this at least a little, but alas, I didn’t. Overall I did ok, placing 83rd overall out of 350 with a final time of 48 minutes and 01 seconds.
Aug. 2, 2006
Someone emailed this to me and I found it quite amusing. “Chad” Vader as a day manager of a supermarket. A little weird but entertaining nontheless.
There are 2 “episodes” that I have seen so far:
“Episode 1”
“Episode 2”
Jul. 21, 2006
Well, I am officially a “nerd” according to most of my friends. I set a goal for myself to get my HAM radio license, for a few reasons. The first being that I am goinf to be in Tampa, FL at the tail end of hurricane season adn want a way to contact people not via net or phone if need be. The second being that I have a severe lack of electronics knowledge and thought this would be a good way to get introduced.
Jul. 20, 2006
I went to Joint Techs in Madison, Wi this week. Overall it was pretty good, I learned a lot of stuff and experienced a lot of the dynamics of some major networking initiatives. Madison is a great city, I’d never been there and Rebecca had been saying it was really funa nd beautiful. She was right. Pics from the event can be found here. They were all taken with my treo so they’re not the greatest.
Jul. 15, 2006
One of the greatesst shows of all times is coming to the bug screen! I’ve been waiting for this for a LONG time. Strangers with Candy, one of the least PC and smartest shows to come out of Comedy Central is coming to theaters this month. I have a feeling that I’ll have to wait for it to make it to Champaign, IL but hopefully it’ll be worth it. I absolutely loved this show, as did many of my friends, but alas, many did not (or don’t) appreciate it’s humor much like many of the shows I enjoy[ed].
Jul. 14, 2006
I just read on a message board that I sometimes look at about a movie coming out based on the 2001 book American Hardcore by Steven Blush. It looks pretty good as far as documentaries go, although there was talk of how the book was somewhat incorrect. Of course, it is based on one guy’s experience as far as I know. I ordered the book today so I’ll hopefully get that read before the film is out, if not I’ll probably have to wait to see it.
Jul. 11, 2006
This was phenominal…..I saw it on SNL when it aired and we were talking about it today.
Gotta love Youtube.
Jul. 1, 2006
These are some of the funniest commercials I’ve seen in a while. Hikers play pranks on an unsuspecting but easily angered bigfoot. I’ve only seen them on spiketv but I hope to see them on others stations soon since they’re so simpe yet so entertaining.
There are links to more of them here
Jun. 29, 2006
Tonight while walking our dogs Rebecca and I saw the giant Garcias pizza balloon flying really, really, really low around our neighborhood. It came within a few feet of our house and the house across the street. It was kinda surreal to watch so I recorded it and took several pics with my Treo. Video can be found here and here.
Jun. 27, 2006
I had to do a double take at a lunch with Juniper networks yesterday. I could have sworn that the person sitting across from me at a nearby table was the late, great Joey Ramone. But alas, I believe I was mistaken….
Jun. 26, 2006
Some of Team Remarkable:
Well, the MS150 is done. Day 2 started pretty crummy. Rain, cold and general lack of enthusiasm on the general rider population was obvious. I was trying to be pretty upbeat, but it’s my belief that many riders (with the exception of team remarkable) just didn’t go out. We started a little late, around 0730 or so, about 15 minutes in the rain cleared and it dried up, but it stayed overcast mahing for a really nice ride.
Jun. 24, 2006
the first day was beautiful. Weatherwas great, no wind and low humidity. All of the volunteers did a bang up job. One can really teL how much they care about supporting those raising money to help cure MS. Rebecca had a tire blow out in the first 3 miles but got it fixed and finished the 35 with no problem. I did the 75 as did Jeff, Scott, Vic and Jeff’s friend.
Jun. 23, 2006
Well, after my whirlwind trip to Tampa for a SCinet meeting and several hours of delays in the airport, including a delay that should-have-but-somehow-didn’t cost me my connecting flight back to C-U, I’m rested and ready to ride the MS150. My back is still a little stiff and crooked from the muscle I pulled like 2 weeks ago, but I did a few 35 mile training rides and everything seems to be ok.
Jun. 22, 2006
I have not been to florida in june in several years. It’s certainly as hot as I remember. It’s no qonder that the baseball game SCinet took us to was in an enclosed, air conditioned stadium. I never knew that baseball could be like that! Traveling for 2 days, returning just in time to drive to the ms150 in DeKalb, IL. It’s (been) a busy week.
Jun. 12, 2006
Sweet! I love beer. I also love coffee. Hopefully it’s true! This article claims
“Coffee may counteract alcohol’s poisonous effects on the liver and help prevent cirrhosis, researchers say.”
The article also claims:
“The same study found coffee drinkers had healthier results on blood tests used to measure liver function, whether or not they were heavy alcohol users. Coffee’s effect on reducing liver enzymes in the blood was more apparent among the heavy drinkers in the study.
Jun. 11, 2006
Overall, Robot Chicken is a pretty funny show. When it’s on, it’s REALLY funny. When it’s off, it sucks HARD. I complertely missed this episide, but here is a clip of a pretty funny Star Wars spoof.
May. 31, 2006
….everyone needs a dual processor g5 with a 30″ cinema display…
May. 31, 2006
I snapped this pic with my treo on a nice little ride I took over about 15 miles east of my house. It was a calm day, not too much wind and not too hot. A very enjoyable ride. If only every day could be like that, now that it’s >90 degrees. What happened too all the 70 degree days?
May. 21, 2006
A very tasty english black ale, the Moorehouse Black Cat is a dark malty ale. Full flavored with a little hoppy after taste. It is surprisingly refreshing, not overly filling, not overly hoppy. I don’t know the alcohol content, it’s not terribly strong, i’d estimate mayby a 6 or 7%. I picked this up at the local friar tuck for $3.99. I’d recommend this for anyone that likes dark brews.
May. 20, 2006
We went down to Clinton tonight to see some family and take care of some stuff. We decided to make an evening of it and wanted to head back to Sergio’s for dinner.
This place is one of the best kept secrets of my home town of Clinton, IL. Sergio’s mexican restaraunt has the absolutely undisputed best burritos i’ve ever had. Their $4.85 burrito is the size of a labamba super and their $9 burrito….
May. 16, 2006
I’m doing the MS150 bike ride again this year. It’s creeping up and I have not done any training other than short rides since my triathlon in Sullivan on May 6th. Weather has been crummy, and my new steed has been sitting in the garage begging to go for a decent ride.
But thats really not what the MS150 is about.
Along with Team Remarkable we hope to raise some good money for MS research.
May. 16, 2006
Well, as you can see if you actually read this thing, I got the entire blog imported from blogger. It really was a pretty easy task. There is a lot of documentation on doing it.
I started with this but it wasn’t as helpful as I’d hoped. I then googled for this and found pretty much everything I could have imagined regarding the process. Anyone looking to do the same should check out this article.
May. 15, 2006
I decided to move to a content management system that I have a little more control over. As of tonight, I have migrated to a Movable Type setup. All the previous articles have been archived at http://buraglio.com/archive/
I hope to get them imported into MT but have yet to be successful in doing so. Hopefully this will make for more frequent updates since I can update it more easily from my Treo 650.
May. 14, 2006
[](http://www.xtracycle.com/images/images_big/bigger/marin.jpg) Even thought I just bought a new one, I really like the idea of not using a car, but instead being able to do day-to-day stuff on a bicycle. There are several reasons I feel this way, the first being that I strongly dislike being in a car. It’s not that comfortable (yes, I’m even talking about luxury cars), they’re expensive, gas prices are out-freakin-rageous, and the excercise you get on a bike is good for you.
May. 13, 2006
[](http://www.nickburaglio.com/pics/bikes/veloce/344539.jpg) Well, I finally got the new road bike that I had been selling all my stuff off to get. It was a long process, dealing with Bianchi sending the wrong bike, Bikeworks getting enough time to assemble it, getting it home, getting clipless shoes (expensive!!) etc, etc. But it’s finally here and I must say, it’s FAST. Don’t get me wrong, I love my [Trek 7300FX](http://buraglio.com/pics/bikes/Trek7300FX/tn/Photo_051406_002.jpg.html), I ride it to work whenever weather and work permits, but this is a road bike, and it’s quite a different experience.
May. 2, 2006
I did the Sullivan, IL Triathlon this sunday (4/30/06). It was REALLY windy with gusts of up to 37mph, which really sucked for the bike ride. I was hoping to ride my new Bianchi but it wasn’t done yet. I did ok, my knees were burning up so I didn’t time as well as I’d hoped but still finished with a respectable time (especially for someone who barely trained). Detals can be found [here](http://www.
Apr. 17, 2006
Well, I sold and shipped the last of my neo-classic star wars toys today. I’m a little sad about it but at 31 years old I don’t think I’ll be playing with them. With the money I bought a new 2005 [Bianchi Velochi](http://bianchiusa.com/05_veloce.html) from bikeworks in Urbana, IL. I got a sweet deal on it and it is one hell of a bike. He’s building it right now and I should have it this week.
Apr. 5, 2006
[](http://splashblog.com/buraglio/303220.jpg) Well, Triathlon season is starting up so I won’t be doing a lot of drinking. I may make a post here and there but I don’t expect to be doing any kind of regular review till early September when all the races and training start to die down. On a lighter note, I came across 2 cases of Smithicks! Sadly, most of it is going ot have to wait a while before it gets to be enjoyed (unless my wife drinks it all!
Mar. 30, 2006
Well, I listed the bulk of my Neo-Classic (1990-2000) Star Wars collection on ebay. It’s kinda sad really, I wanted to collect these so bad to I guess try and recapture some of my early childhood. I had actually almost forgotten I had all of thisewhen my parents asked me to take some tubs of stuff out of their basement. I’d been wanting to get a new road bike but didn’t want to part with the money so I decided to sell this stuff to cover (I hope) most of a new Bianchi Eros or Veloce.
Mar. 25, 2006
So I’ve had basically the same palmos environment for about 4 years now. From my Sony Clie to my Treo600 to my Treo650 I’ve just done a sync when I got me new device and been done with it. I know, being a technical person I should know better, and I did, but I’m sometimes lazy when I shouldn’t be. It was the 2gig SD card that I got for $80 at Circuit City that made me do it.
Mar. 17, 2006
### Treo a conversation piece? This week I went to our office in Arlington, VA to help test some fiber for 10g deployment and noticed something interesting. As I sit in the airport waiting for my flight back a guy sitting next to me asked about my treo. Now, this wouldn’t really be that interesting except for the fact that since I landed here just over 24 hours ago he is the 3rd person to strike up a conversation with me based on my treo 650.
Mar. 15, 2006
[](http://splashblog.com/buraglio/278237.jpg) Dark and smokey (hence the name) and more hoppy than I expected. This is a good beer, sharp and not sweet like I expected. Brewed by otter creek brewing company and good with food. I enjoyed mine with dinner and the dinner I had really complimented the robust flavor. I’m not sure of the alcohol content but I picked mine up at the local piccadilly as a 6 pack and was buzzed after 2.
Mar. 11, 2006
[](http://alanb.com/spicoli/bagel.gif) I happen to LOVE [fast times at rigemont high](http://imdb.com/title/tt0083929). We had been talking abou t this at work, and I got to laughing at my favorite parts, namely the Jeff Spicoli scene with the bagel. It’s a well known fact that I love 80’s movies. Although Fast Times was a little before my time I did grow up watching a lot of movies in the genre on HBO or Beta and even more at the beloved [Clintonia Theater](http://cinematreasures.
Mar. 5, 2006
[](http://store.everythingtreo.com/store_images/product_images/accessories/large/415.jpg) I just got a [helix face in belt clip holster](http://cgi.ebay.com/TREO-650-FACE-IN-HELIX-BELT-CLIP-HOLSTER-HIGH-QUALITY_W0QQitemZ5870074142QQcategoryZ108586QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem) and I must say it’s pretty nice. It does not protect the treo like a cover or a sleeve but it is “face in” which is pretty nice for someone that bumps their phone on a lot of stuff. It comes with 2 clips that can be interchanged. It’s a cheap alternative to the Seidio case, the only differences I can find other than the clips are the seidio has a felt type inside and the Helix uses very soft, supple plastic.
Mar. 5, 2006
A few years ago I got into brazilian jiu jitsu and submission wrestling. It’s been somewhat of an obsession since then, taking any free time I can find to train or cross-train for it. As I’m getting a little older and 15 years of hard skateboarding have taken it’s toll on my poor knees and back, I try to train as hard as I can now for fear that I won’t be able to later.
Feb. 26, 2006
[](http://splashblog.com/buraglio/258444.jpg) A dark, hoppy, dry ale. I picked this up at the local Corkscrew in Urbana, IL for $1.89. It is pretty hoppy which is accented well by the slight rye flavor. The rye seems pretty apparent in the aftertaste, which is strong but not as long lasting as eating a piece of rye bread. Strong in taste but not in potency. Worth a try, Brewed by [Founders Brewery](http://www.foundersbrewing.com/)
Feb. 15, 2006
I don’t know about you, but I found this incredibly frightening… [](http://www.thegfloor.co.uk/otherstuff/cashmachinewindows.jpg) With all the talk of the [CTA machines being vulnerable](http://www.ctatattler.com/2006/02/cta_info_screen.html) and [other MTA ](http://img26.exs.cx/img26/5349/dsc019149tz.jpg) machines crashing or being problematic I got to thinking about how many mission critical or sensitive systems are vulnerable, rooted, 0wn3d or whatever. Most Cash machines used to be OS/2 but that’s been changing lately and I know for sure some are moving to windows.
Feb. 14, 2006
A few days ago I received a package in the mail that I wasn’t expecting. Anticipation was high. What could it be? As I opened it up I realized that it was my ipod, back from (dis)repair. I had requested one thing only of them. Return it to me in the same condition and with the same abilities that it had had for the last 2 years. HFS+ formatted and able to use the firewire cable that it came with.
Feb. 12, 2006
[](http://www.buraglio.com/pics/tcpip-795834.jpg) I saw an interesting license plate on a porche the other night coming out of my favorite local Thai place. I’m not sure who owned the car but the plate was nerdy and cool at the same time.
Feb. 11, 2006
### hofbrau maibock I’d never had (or heard of) a Maibock before I saw this. Billed as “munich’s first maibock”, this was a sweet carmel tasting beer, historically enjoyed in the springtime in germany. A decent punch but I’m not sure of the alc. content in this $2.99 pint bottle. I’d not had any food when I enjoyed it and was left with a little buzz. A dark carmel color with very little head, it was a good drink.
Feb. 9, 2006
[](http://www.flickr.com/photos/buraglio/4925025283/ "Maxie The Bird by buraglio, on Flickr") Today, 02/09/2006, marks the end of an era. My pet Cockatiel Maxi (aka “Birdhead”) passed away last night sometime between 10pm and 8am. She was fairly old and had lived what I consider to be a good life. She was originally a breeding bird for an unknown number of years before relocating to the University of Illinois Veterinary school front desk area.
Feb. 4, 2006
### Aldaris Porteris Brewed by the Alderis Brewery in Riga, Latvia, this 6.8 percent alc. porter was not too heavy and not too sweet. A quick, carmel aftertast, it was a pleasant surprise of a porter for $2.49 at friar tuck. I love a good porter, it’s a fact. Dark and sweet ( but not too sweet ) I would recommend this delicious drink for any porter lover. A little heavy but VERY good.
Feb. 3, 2006
One of the things that is somewhat lame about the employer paid verizon plan I have is the lack of the ability to dial #MIN (#646) to get an estimate of the minutes you’ve used. For some reason that feature is purposely disabled on the account. I found a nice free little app that works really well for this. It’s very configurable and once the tweaking has been completed (at least on my phone) it’s pretty accurate.
Jan. 29, 2006
[](http://splashblog.com/buraglio/226188.jpg) ### Sierra Nevada Porter I saw this and couldn’t resist trying it. I must admit that I didn’t know that the Sierra Nevada Brewery made a porter. I was skeptical but went ahead and paid the $7.99 for a six pack. 5.6 percent alc. per 12oz bottle, it had a thin, light head when first poured. A much more bitter porter than I anticipated, I was a little disapointed to be truthful.
Jan. 21, 2006
[](http://splashblog.com/buraglio/226185.jpg) ### Okocim porter “Traditional polish taste” it says on the bottle. A dark, thicker, quickly sweet porter. Malty and strong, sharp and quicker flavor than many porters I’ve had. 8.3 percent alc. in this one pint bottle that I picked up at Friar Tuck for $2.99. This was a little different in a way I really couldn’t put my finger on. I’d probably buy this again, but I wouldn’t drink more than one.
Jan. 19, 2006
I discovered a nice little app called [CallFilter](http://www.velocityware.com/callfilter/cfinfo.htm) by [Velocity Software ](http://www.velocityware.com/) recently. A lot of folks were raving about it on message boards and blogs so I thought I’d try it out and give a quick review of what I thought of it after using the (limited) demo they make available. Let me preface this by saying that I’m a big fan of screening calls and being able to know who is calling and from where.
Jan. 18, 2006
I am rough on stuff. I needed a good case for my Treo 650. I had many a choice in this area but was patricularly interested in the rubber “skin” type cases. I have wanted one of these for my ipod but never got around to getting one. I did a little readong and decided on the [Spec Products](http://www.speckproducts.com/) [Skintight ](http://www.speckproducts.com/treo650.html) case. I liked the fact that it had a sscreen cover that I could remomve if needed and came with a holster for when I was feeling particularly geeky and wanted to wear it on my pocket (which is rare).
Jan. 16, 2006
I’ve never been an early riser. In fact, I’ve been more of a night owl than anything else. I like to stay up late and sleep in. Well, some of the activities and lifestyle changes I’ve made just don’t allow for that anymore. Training for Triathlons, bike races and other physically demanding activities necessitate a “cleaner”, more organized lifestyle. Organized is something I am certainly \_not\_. In an effort to change this, I got a [Treo 600](http://www.
Jan. 12, 2006
I’m a mac user, I have been for years. I have a (although somewhat outdated) knowledge of hardware and I’d like to think I know my way around a Unix system. So when I had a problem with my 20gig ipod I figured if it wasn’t hardware I could fix it. Well, it was hardware. My wife got it for me in Feb. of 2004 for my birthday. She got it at best buy, and knowing how I am rough on stuff, she bought the extended warranty from them, giving it coverage till 2/2008.
Jan. 9, 2006
After my last post regarding my treo I started looking into why certain apps were failing or whatever, specifically [rmrdiet](http://www.rmrsoft.com/palm/diet.htm). Others were using this app on a treo 650 and it claims support. I reinstalled it to RAM (as opposed to my memory card) and it’s working very well now. This really is a powerful app for $20 (although I have still not paid). It seems to just give the nag screen and not a requirement for registration.
Jan. 8, 2006
In my apparently never ending quest to use my Treo 650 to it’s absolutely fullest capacity, I have found some helpful links that I thought others may find useful (I certainly did):
More up to date “Must have Software” list from Howard forums
A nice thread on keeping your Treo 650 up and running with minimal crashes.
I’ve found that my treo 650 is pretty stable but not quite as rock solid as my 600 was, which had less than 1 crash a month.
Jan. 8, 2006
[This SNL skit](http://youtube.com/watch.php?v=zLElfJ9YCh0) is an INSTANT classc, a refreshing change (to something actually funny) from Saturday Night Live. Watch and enjoy. It’s also available via the itunes store (free download).
Dec. 30, 2005
Wow. The 650 is much different than the 600. I opted to get a 650 as opposed to waiting for the 700w (Palms first PocketPC based device), I generally never get something I need to rely heavily on that is a first release, or the 700p (palm based, supposedly exclusive to SprintPCS for 6 months after release). I have had to re-learn a lot of the subtleties of the treo platform.
Dec. 24, 2005
Wow, the treo 650 is a huge step up from the Treo 600. Better Screen, better camera, MUCH better QWERTY keyboard, etc, etc. I’ve had mine about 24 hours now and damn, I like it a LOT. I am still waiting on my accessories, Plantronics BT headset and cool rubberized case but even w/o them this thing is very nice. A few things to note if upgrading from the 600: The connector is different.
Dec. 14, 2005
I added a seperate sub category (that I hope to recruit some people to work on with me); beer reviews. I’ve always wanted to do beer write-ups but have never really been a “beer expert” or a “beer snob” so I thought that I probably shouldn’t do it. Then I got to thinking, maybe thats why I \*should\* do it. I always hated reading pretentious beer drinkers account of some beer they had after playing a polo match or before getting into their limo to be whisked away to their private jet and flown to switzerland to count their money.
Dec. 13, 2005
I made my request for a Verizon Treo 650 this week to replace my beat up Treo 600. After much researach and reading I came to the following accessories: Plantronics Voyager 510 headset: [ $52.24](http://tinyurl.com/9zq79) Spare Battery TRE650BAT $29.99 Car Charger TRE650VPC $22.49 Spec Skintight Holster [$34.95](http://tinyurl.com/am8r2) Screen protectors [$15.95](http://tinyurl.com/9e7pe) These were heavily influenced by stuff I’ve seen other people with as well as reviews on [Treonauts](http://blog.treonauts.com/) I find this device, while a little large for my tastes, to be invaluable.
Dec. 11, 2005
[](http://www.founditemclothing.com/) What is it about today? So many posts! (I had some free time). It’s a widely known fact that I love T-Shirts. I have a fairly extensive collections that contains shirts that I’ve had for half of my life (yeah, I have 15 year old T-Shirts, what of it?!?) I have always wanted to start a T-Shirt company, not for profit so much as for fun. This may become a reality, but thats a story for another time.
Dec. 11, 2005
Straight off of the [pfw](http://www.allard.nu/pfw/) mailing list: I had written some bad perl code that did something similar, importing and munging the data in the PeerGuardian list and installing in in a pf table, so far this looks much better. I’m anxious to check this out and am hoping to make it work easily with [pfsense](http://www.pfsense.org/).
Dec. 11, 2005
[](http://www.buraglio.com/pics/beer/Smithwicks-707133.jpg) I enjoy beer. I don’t drink as much of it as I used to, but on occasion I like to down a few good ones (I’ll also down a few bad ones if that is all there is). I wouldn’t say I’m a “Beer Snob” as I’ve been known to drink anything from PBR, Natural Lite and Stag to a $12 imported porter. I’m not normally a big fan of the lighter stuff but I came across this ale, Smithwick’s.
Dec. 7, 2005
### training again So I started training again after a month and a half of on-again off-again training and boy does it go quickly as you get older. The submission wrestling and cycling cardio are quick to slip away. Having been wrestling now for about 2 weeks (at 2 times a week, I’m not yet up to 4 again) I thought the cardio was a little better, but alas, as I hit the cycle at the gym this morning I was rudely awakened by tired legs and sucking wind.
Dec. 6, 2005
### first wireless post! I just configured u\*blog on my treo 600, an awesome device (although I’d rather have a 650). anyway, this is being posted wirelessly. maybe now I’ll actually update this thing.
Dec. 6, 2005
The breakup of the blog really didn’t work. I have been so busy with work that I didn’t post at all. I had been traveling a lot lately, Seattle, Mexico, back to Seattle. All in all I was gone about a month. Seattle is probably the coolest US city I’ve been to, not as rain-soaked as many say. Both times I was there (a 4 day trip and an 11 day trip) for work it drizzled a bit but for the most part it was pretty nice.
Oct. 30, 2005
I’m such a spaz. My interests are all over the place. I don’t think that just one blog is enough so therefore I’m playing with the idea of breaking it up into 3 categories. One of my friends, Mike Aref, has just put his [training journal ](http://www.nickburaglio.com/) online and it has given me inspiration to do the same. I think I’ll be breaking up my blog into 3 blog-like sections, training, technical/geeky, and hobbies (like beer, film, games, travel, etc)….
Oct. 29, 2005
Ahhh, many things have happened since my last post. I went to seattle to help with [Scinet](http://www.scinet.supercomp.org/), Rebecca and I went to Mexico (cabo san lucas) for vacation, and I’ve been preparing for my return trip to Seattle for [ Supercomputing ’05](http://www.sc05.org/). The one thing I hate about travel is that it interrupts my training schedule. I especially miss the submission wrestling and jiu jitsu, I even miss the conditioning. I had to miss 2 submission tournaments and have to miss one more.
Sep. 30, 2005
I started trying to make some packages for the [pfsense](http://www.pfsense.org/) platform. I’mnot really a developer and don’t know xml or php so I’m using this as an excuse to learn. My first attempt is with pftabled, a very useful c program for free and openbsd for manipulating pf tables remotely. First pass is available [here](http://buraglio.com/nick/projects/pfsense/pftabled.tgz)
Sep. 3, 2005
I came across this deal at [slickdeals.net](http://slickdeals.net/). [Yahoo has domain purchases for $1.99 per year](http://smallbusiness.yahoo.com/domains/?p=CRUISE). Normally I use [godaddy](http://godaddy.com/) but this was too good of a deal to pass up. I picked up nickburaglio.com again (I had let it lapse back in like 2000) for a couple of years for under $4.00 and moved the blog over to it. Not too bad of a deal for a self indulgent domain such as this.
Aug. 29, 2005
I did the [CU across the prairie ](http://prairiecycleclub.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=Sections&file=index&req=viewarticle&artid=5&page=1) metric century ride this weekend. We started at about 0845 and got finished around 1330, not a bad time for someone as inexperienced as myself I think. We did stop at 2 rest stops along the way for water. It was pretty fun, I never realized that Monticello, IL had so many nice houses out in the country around there. The head winds sucked toward the end and we had gotten started a little late, so heat was a small factor too.
Aug. 14, 2005
The other day I came across [pfsense](http://www.pfsense.org/) while looking for stuff I could use on my openbsd based version of basically the same thing. I was intrigued by this because it was using altq as well as pf, which was the main reason that I was working on a similar product under openbsd. Upon actually installing it on a Soekris I was even more impressed. I installed it on a [NET4801](http://www.
Aug. 8, 2005
I did a little mini-triathlon on the 6th. It was actually really fun, except for the part where I rode an extra 1.17 miles on the cycling part. I got confused as to where to stop and was in such a zone that I passed it right up. In retrospect I think I should have practiced swimming, which I didn’t do much at all. I was sucking wind after about 100meters due to the fact that I wasn’t breathing in a consistent manner.
Jul. 19, 2005
[](http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/6051/1150/1600/ms150journal.jpg) My back is feeling better and I’ve resumes training for my sprint triathlon. I have not yet really started back at boxing, jiu jitsu or wrestling but hopefully this thursday I’ll be rolling with some friends from home. Speaking of home, the [Clinton Daily Journal](http://www.clintondailyjournal.com/) ran a story on us doing the ms150 bike tour. It didn’t have the whole story online so I made a quick scan (above).
Jul. 10, 2005
Well, too many years of skateboarding have taken their toll on my 30 year old body. An old injury from ~10 years ago has once again reared it’s ugly head. After doing my normal [Saturday morning workout](http://www.jackmcvicker.com/academy.html) and doing one 5 minute round my back started to tighten up. By the time I had gotten home I could barely get out of the car. So much for training hard for the [mini triathlon](http://www.
Jul. 9, 2005
I finished the ms150, although not the way I had originally intended. The first day was 75 miles. Not too bad. We set off at about 6am, it was relatively pleasant outside. There was a rest stop for water, energy bars, fruit and bathrooms about every 8-13 miles (basically in every small town we went though). These were amazing. Some even had cooked food like egg sandwiches, etc I stocked up at pretty much every one, got water and a snack.
Jun. 20, 2005
I signed up for a mini triathalon. It’s not too harsh, actually, it looks like it’s a perfect one to start with. It’s certainly a mini, including a 400meter swim, a 2 mile run and a 6 mile bike ride. Details can be fouind [here](http://www.champaignparkdistrict.com/sports/minitri/). I figure it’ll be a good way to maybe stay in shape for any jiu jitsu or submission tournaments I may do later in the year.
Jun. 17, 2005
MacOS Tiger had/has some issues with the Cisco VPN client. It was a widely public fact. I experienced it first hand. But, being that I have admin access on our VPN concentrator I was able to get the newest clients to \*kinda\* work. There were still a lot of issues with the “compatible client”. Now that Cisco has released the client version 4.6.04 (0061) it’s much better, but sleeping and waking the machine with the client connected yields funkyness, yeah, I know you shouldn’t do that anyway, but some do.
Jun. 4, 2005
In the time that I’ve been (what I would describe as) an IT professional, lets say, >5 years and Why can’t I find a filtering system that does everythiung I need and want? I love the packet mangling, QoS, traffic shaping, whatever you want to call it today. I can’t use an internet cnnection without it. I NEED my ssh connections to be fast and not lagging. I WANT my surfing and email checking to be zippy and snappy.
Jun. 2, 2005
It’s a pretty well known fact that I like Apple computers and most people have seen a lot of the spam and ads referring to getting a free mac mini or a free ipod. I always thought they were BS. A scam attempt to harvest email addresses or another version of something nasty. Well, interestingly enough, I actually know someone who really DID get the free Mac Mini, I saw it.
May. 27, 2005
I’m participating in the ms150 in Illinois this year. For anyone that doesn’t know, [ More info can be found here](http://events.msillinois.org/site/PageServer?pagename=05MS150_det_home). My cousin has MS, which really sucks. I figure after all the stupid and selfish shit I’ve done over the years maybe I should try give a little back. A few days of riding a bike is a small price to lay for the funds that get raised to help research this.
May. 26, 2005
ahhhh the blog, ever changing and always on the verge of being just a little too geeky. Check out some of [my bookmarks](http://del.icio.us/buraglio/) I’ve been using the dashboard widget delicious to post to the del.icio.us service, it’s actually pretty handy.
May. 26, 2005
ahhhh the blog, ever changing and always on the verge of being just a little too geeky. Check out some of [my bookmarks](http://del.icio.us/buraglio/) I’ve been using the dashboard widget delicious to post to the del.icio.us service, it’s actually pretty handy.