I signed up for a
I signed up for a mini triathalon. It’s not too harsh, actually, it looks like it’s a perfect one to start with. It’s certainly a mini, including a 400meter swim, a 2 mile run and a 6 mile bike ride. Details can be fouind [here](http://www.champaignparkdistrict.com/sports/minitri/). I figure it’ll be a good way to maybe stay in shape for any jiu jitsu or submission tournaments I may do later in the year. I did a 2 mile run today and it wasn’t bad at all, not having run in at least 3 months, although I have been cycling a lot.
On a completely unrelated note, I started playing with [EvoCam](http://www.evological.com/evocam.html) today as a way to piddle with my [ iSight](http://buraglio.com/nick/livecam.html). It seems pretty cool, you can force it to do some pretty neat stuff like only record when there is motion. It can also upload via sftp, which is very, very cool. I recommend checking it out if you’re looking to [do more with you iSight](http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/wlg/3375)
EvoCam can also send images as an email, save them to folders, even record video. It also has it’s own web server that supports authentication.