I did the CU across

I did the [CU across the prairie ](http://prairiecycleclub.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=Sections&file=index&req=viewarticle&artid=5&page=1) metric century ride this weekend. We started at about 0845 and got finished around 1330, not a bad time for someone as inexperienced as myself I think. We did stop at 2 rest stops along the way for water. It was pretty fun, I never realized that Monticello, IL had so many nice houses out in the country around there. The head winds sucked toward the end and we had gotten started a little late, so heat was a small factor too. I got pretty sunburned on my arms but I did learn some good technique from Mark, who is an experienced cyclist. It’s a fun ride, I’ll be doing it again next year I hope, but I do plan to get a road bike for any trip longer than 20 miles. The Trek 7300FX is a great bike, especially now with the thin road bike tires, perfect for riding to work every day, but I think I’d prefer a more aerodynamic bike for longer rides.