A few years ago I

A few years ago I got into brazilian jiu jitsu and submission wrestling. It’s been somewhat of an obsession since then, taking any free time I can find to train or cross-train for it. As I’m getting a little older and 15 years of hard skateboarding have taken it’s toll on my poor knees and back, I try to train as hard as I can now for fear that I won’t be able to later. Well, for about 2 and a half years I’ve been talking about getting mats or a mat for my house so I can train here too. Expense and space were a factor until the last year, as of then it’s just been indecisiveness. Well, thanks to a friend of mine who will remain nameless, I have a [big ol’ mat](http://buraglio.com/pics/bjj/basement-dojo/newmat.jpg) now. It’s roughly 12’x20′ and takes up a decent amount of my basement. Some guys that routinely beat up on me helped me get it down there and it’s probably not coming out in one piece. Actually, it’s quite handy for stretching as well, I use it every morning before I work out to stretch on and it’s nice and soft. I certainly am a lucky person =)