Treo a conversation piece?This week
### Treo a conversation piece?
This week I went to our office in Arlington, VA to help test some fiber for 10g deployment and noticed something interesting. As I sit in the airport waiting for my flight back a guy sitting next to me asked about my treo. Now, this wouldn’t really be that interesting except for the fact that since I landed here just over 24 hours ago he is the 3rd person to strike up a conversation with me based on my treo 650. it’s almost like an exclusive club that many are either in (by having a treo) or are interested in bein in. So many people realize that the treo is a handy, useful tool and are just bursting at the seams to talk about what they, and you, do with it. However nerdy and dorky it sounds, the treo is the exclusive conversation piece of the day.