Bianchi Veloce; Italian Steel…

[![](]( Well, I finally got the new road bike that I had been selling all my stuff off to get. It was a long process, dealing with Bianchi sending the wrong bike, Bikeworks getting enough time to assemble it, getting it home, getting clipless shoes (expensive!!) etc, etc. But it’s finally here and I must say, it’s FAST. Don’t get me wrong, I love my [Trek 7300FX](, I ride it to work whenever weather and work permits, but this is a road bike, and it’s quite a different experience. It’s almost like comparing apples to oranges, they’re both fruit but too different to compare. I have had it a week as of today and the weather has been crummy since the day after I got it so I’ve only been on two short rides, but WOW! The clipless pedals make a HUGE difference. The carbon fork and slick [campagnolo]( components don’t hurt either. I can’t wait to take this puppy on a 30+ mile run. I was hoping to ride from Champaign to Clinton tomorrow but the weather doesn’t look like it’ll permit. Maybe next weekend.