Weekly Twitter posts by Nick Buraglio
- Cool details and video of apple’s new #iphone on @gizmodo http://gizmodo.com/5520164/ #
- @HoosierCAB @mzyw I wager that those that actually *need* to know actually do. in reply to HoosierCAB #
- Got my @comcast #IPv6 beta tester email this week, can’t wait to start pushing some IPv6 traffic natively! #comcast #
- @joshmeans Nice, re: DD mayor. #
- Can’t wait for #ebertfest to start tonight. #
- This is a pretty interesting and inspiring read re: #ebertfest and film http://j.mp/cXTkpJ @flipcritic @ebertchicago #
- @flipcritic I worked at the supercomputing center. I could try to arrange a brief tour if interested. #
- RT: @chrobb “Yes, there are only three real Star Wars films” –Amen. #starwars #
- Just got back from “You, the living” at #ebertfest 2010. Interesting. A good follow to “Pink Floyd The Wall”. #
- @flipcritic shoot me an email to coordinate. nick [at] buraglio.com in reply to flipcritic #
- @prezmcmahon they let you use a mac at SF?!?! That is a HUGE change from 10+ years ago when I was there. in reply to prezmcmahon #
- RT: @TeamMcVicker Congrats to Dan Hornbuckle, who won his Bellator fight by triangle choke http://fb.me/wZYQHd1S #
- Wiped out from last night at #ebertfest “Apocalypse Now Redux” is as disturbing and amazing as I remember. Both visually and auditorially. #
- Lamenting the fact that my iPhone is getting repaired and I can’t have it during #ebertfest for updating and such. It should be back 2morrow #
- RT: @liquidrider148 Just ordered some Ken’s Blend from @weeklyroast, –I’m going to convert everyone in our office! #
- Up next for me at #ebertfest: “Departures” http://ebertfest.com/departures.html I’m pretty excited to see this one. #
- RT: @nmap Good article at Dark Reading: “Nmap Does Much More than Network Discovery” http://bit.ly/drnmap #
- “Departures” was a GREAT movie highly recommended. Unfortunately I had to miss the discussion at #ebertfest #
- @devivo in reply to devivo #
- @devivo I take off work for ebertfest. Its my little vacation since I don’t have time for many movies anymore in reply to devivo #
- My wife’s iPhone arrived today, back from the dead thanks to @ubreakifix
Sent Monday. Arrived, fixed, shipped Wednesday. Arrived today. #
- Just saw “Vincent, a life in color” at #ebertfest
It was excellent. #
- “Barfly” at #ebertfest last night, I’ve not seen it since I was about 14. I got much more out of it this time. Good film. #
- Our dog Chloe in the @newsgazette http://www.news-gazette.com/video/2010-04-24/video-mutt-strutt.html #
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