Twitter posts by Nick Buraglio for the week of 2010-05-16
- Yawn. Hotel coffee really sucks when you’re used to @weeklyroast #
- Really impressed with the Arkansas University and ARE-ON folks at this @internet2 #IPv6 workshop. Great job guys, well done! #
- Really, really enjoyed being an instructor for the @internet2 #IPv6 class down here in beautiful Fayetteville, Arkansas. #fb #
- @cvkline A-MAZ-ING. Went 2 nights in a row, possibly best beers I’ve experienced at a brewpub, ever. Great food as well. Seriously good. in reply to cvkline #
- @cvkline Very good Imp IPA, belgian trip, coffee porter….the list goes on. Very diverse offering and all were not good, but *great*. in reply to cvkline #
- @cvkline and the brewmaster is only like 29 years old. Very impressive. in reply to cvkline #
- Homeward bound. #
- Imagine that. Delays at o’hare airport. Very inconvient. #
- With all of the storms down here I wish I would have brought a HAM radio to listen to the chatter. Many tornados in AR. #
- Finally departing XNA for IND via ORD (odd path, I know). #
- Yay for landing in Chicago. Hopefully I’ll have a connecting flight. iPhone battery at 2% 🙁 #
- I leave for 4 days and my neighbor constructs a fence, connects it to mine w/o asking and likely without measuring property lines #
- @tsrimovsky Both. Seriously, who does that without at least asking? Very uncool. I’m going to request it be removed for real. in reply to tsrimovsky #
- @RadishSpirit coffee, then pizza, then coffee again. in reply to RadishSpirit #
- @RadishSpirit well done. I am still working on coffee part deux. in reply to RadishSpirit #
- @liquidrider148 I need to make one as well. Thinking about a @weeklyroast subscription. in reply to liquidrider148 #
- @Vap0rz it can be done for *much* cheaper than that. in reply to Vap0rz #
- @Vap0rz you can get it done elsewhere for much cheaper but rolex will always cost more. in reply to Vap0rz #
- @Vap0rz what the heck happened to it? It should be sapphire and nearly indestructible in reply to Vap0rz #
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