Twitter posts by Nick Buraglio for the week of 2010-05-23
- blah, I think my lawn mower is dead. #
- The HTC incredible is a really sweet device. I wish There was a gsm version available with AT&T 3g. #
- tor running on my #pfSense box. Pretty trivial to make work from CLI. Maybe I should make this a package…… all of my spare time. #
- @Vap0rz incredible is more elegant. Droid more of a workhorse. I like ’em both but can’t have either. in reply to Vap0rz #
- gw kernel: pid 11127 (tor), uid 256, was killed: out of swap space. Soekris setup just isn’t powerful enough for tor, I’m guessing. #
- Digging the #twitter #android app #
- Just burned up a 48Gig SSD and an 8G flash drive thanks to @modrzeje leaving the wrong power supplies bundled with USB hub. Thanks dude. #
- @modrzeje #fail. You owe me coffee. in reply to modrzeje #
- See, we’re putting new cover sheets on our TPS reports. #
- Thanks @AAirwaves, 3,000 bonus miles from #americanairlines for my 3 hours of delays last week. #
- @modrzeje nice in reply to modrzeje #
- @jlgaddis I have one. Shoot me a pm and ill send it over. We are a huge consumerof their gear in reply to jlgaddis #
- #pfSense 2.0 ipv6 tunnel scripted and working again. Needs GUI but I’m tired. #
- @devivo Not the bore worms! in reply to devivo #
- Farmers market sounds like fun for this morning. #
- Upgraded to @cyanogen 5.0.7 DS-test7 on the HTC Magic. Upgraded seamlessly, seems quite a bit snappier now. Thanks for the hard work! #
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