Splintering of data

I’ve more or less realized that as I get older, my memory retention is getting worse. I have always had a pretty good memory, but it’s oddball things that I remember, like quotes from Ghostbusters or my friends phone numbers from grade school.
I’ve never been great at taking notes and so, to that end, I’ve decided to work on doing just that.
I have taken one of the many oddball domain names that I own, in this case coprophage.net and started documenting my technical (both work and non-work) related stuff there. I plan to use this site as more of a personal blog and coprophage.net as my personal tech-diary kinda thing. I’ve already put a few posts up there detailing some Juniper SRX firewall/IDP things I’ve run into and have also added a Cisco AAA post. Mostly I just want to detail some of the things that are odd, have poor documentation, are hard to find answers to or things that I just want to be able to reference later. So, if you like geeky, network related cisco, juniper, foundry, and security related text, head on over. Hopefully it won’t fizzle out and I can keep it updated.
Don’t expect it to be correct all of the time, or even relevant to the current techno-babble-buzzword-of-the-day. It’s mostly for me, but if you find it useful, thats great too.

Oh, and yes, coprophage is the consumption of feces. Why do I own this domain? Why not, I ask you. Why not.