Art, Skateboarding, nonsense, and updates

It’s been a bit. Life gets in the way, but it keeps on keeping on. I’ve been busy. Busy trying to re-learn things like photography, jewelry design, illustration, and other things I let slide over the years of working too much and doing fun things too little. Well, in the last two or so years, I started diving back in. Nothing outlandish, but enjoyable nonetheless.

I have started re-learning photoshop, got a new camera body, started skating more while my body can sorta still do it, and generally just trying to not miss out on the fun stuff. Below are a few of the illustrations I have worked on. Most of this is done in Procreate on my iPad Pro (which is a fantastic art creation device, BTW), or in photoshop. The rest are Coin rings that I have made for various people or myself, or just for fun. Maybe I’ll post some more as I do it, maybe I won’t. Either way, most of it ends up on my Instagram page.

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