test post
IPv6, Vmware Fusion, Wireless
I’ve been revisiting IPv6 a lot again lately, and one thing I wanted to do was to get my home network back running IPv6 again after having it…
Taken from Fail Blog, I found this absolutely hilarious.
Wolverine Origins
The new Wolverine origins movie is highly anticipated by pretty much everyone Ive talked to. I’ve been searching the ‘net looking for a decent trailer, even though I…
Blackberry Storm
A lot of folks have asked me about the Blackberry Storm. Well, it looks like an impressive device, and if I still had Verizon Wireless and didn’t already…
Layer 7 work for pfSense!
I’m not really sure how I missed this, probably because it’s some students doing the work, but nevertheless, it’s very exciting. This is something that has been unavailable…
More new shirts from Found Item Clothing!
As many know, I love T-Shirts, and the only thing better than a great T-Shirt, is a great shirt from a classic 80’s movie of my childhood. Thank…
Schlafly Imperial Stout
It’s been quite a while since I did a beer review and I’ve had SO many unique brews since the last one, but the most recent beverage I…
iPhone linux
That iPhone Dev team has decided to port the linux kernel and BusyBoxto the iPhone and write a completely new boot loader to support dual booting. iPhone Linux…